
#181 Cmd-arrow should follow visual line, not logical


With flowed text, cmd-left and cmd-right should follow visual line, not logical line. Same problem with shift-cmd-arrow.


Tickets: #181


  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: open --> fixed
  • Bernard Desgraupes

    This is fixed. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 1537).

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: fixed --> closed
    • Version: 9.0 --> 9.0.1
  • Bernard Desgraupes

    This is fixed. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 1537).

  • Joachim Kock

    Joachim Kock - 2019-02-08

    I would like to reopen this ticket. Cmd-right and Cmd-shift-right work as expected, but Cmd-left and Cmd-shift-left still jump all the way to the start of the logical line, rather than following the visual line.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Hi Joachim,
    I just tested with version 9.0.3 and it works for me. All four combos behave as expected: they go or select to the beginning or end of the current physical line.
    Is it possible that you have custom bindings defined somewhere that redefine Cmd-Left or Cmd-Shift-Left ? Could you try the following commands in the Tcl shell :

    binding list -mod cv -key left
    binding list -mod csv -key left

    The result should be empty for both commands.

    • Joachim Kock

      Joachim Kock - 2019-03-10

      My apologies, it turns out I was using
      an old Alpha without knowing it.
      (I don't know how that happened.)

      On 19/02/2019 10:51, Bernard Desgraupes wrote:

      Hi Joachim,
      I just tested with version 9.0.3 and it works for me. All four combos
      behave as expected: they go or select to the beginning or end of the
      current /physical/ line.
      Is it possible that you have custom bindings defined somewhere that
      redefine Cmd-Left or Cmd-Shift-Left ? Could you try the following
      commands in the Tcl shell :

      binding list -mod cv -key left
      binding list -mod csv -key left

      The result should be empty for both commands.

      Cmd-arrow should follow visual line, not logical

      Status: closed
      Created: Wed Sep 26, 2018 08:02 PM UTC by Joachim Kock
      Last Updated: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:48 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      With flowed text, cmd-left and cmd-right should follow visual line, not
      logical line. Same problem with shift-cmd-arrow.

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      Tickets: #181

  • Joachim Kock

    Joachim Kock - 2019-10-04

    I still see this. Cmd-right and Cmd-shift-right work as expected, but Cmd-left and Cmd-shift-left still jump all the way to the start of the logical line, rather than following the visual line. (This is in 9.0.7.)

    The culprit turns out to be [beginningOfLineSmart], which in turn relies on the Alpha command [beginningOfLine], which only works on logical lines. Is there some alternative that can be used instead, to get to the beginning of the visual line?


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