
#133 undo / redo


This is rather a RFE : do you think it could be possible to have a "redo" command together with the "undo" ?


Tickets: #133


  • Bernard Desgraupes

    There is already: shift-cmd-Z.

  • Chris Skeels

    Chris Skeels - 2017-05-09

    For what little it is worth, I have long felt that many of the default
    menu settings are tailored for very small screens, the LaTeX menu being a
    good example, but certainly not the only one. I think that it is great
    that it is possible to configure menus to be compact, if say working on a
    laptop, but I am not sure that is it is all that desirable if working on a
    desktop machine which, these days, is likely to have much more extensive
    real estate available. The problem, as seen here, is that you only ever
    discover these hidden possibilities if you inadvertently have the correct
    meta-key pressed when the menu is open, a low probability event. This
    leads to unnecessary frustration. If it were ever up for discussion then
    I would support the default configuration being for all menus to be
    expanded (while retaining the option of making them compact if desired).

    Cheers, Chris.

    On 9/05/2017 11:25 pm, "Sylvain Loiseau"

    sorryŠ I was pretty sure it was somewhere around :-)

    I think it could be useful (for new users looking for function in the
    menu) to have it as a distinct and visible entry in the menu.


    Le 9 mai 2017 à 15:14, Bernard Desgraupes a
    écrit :

    There is already: shift-cmd-Z.

    [tickets:#133] undo / redo

    Status: open
    Created: Tue May 09, 2017 07:47 AM UTC by Sylvain Loiseau
    Last Updated: Tue May 09, 2017 07:47 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    This is rather a RFE : do you think it could be possible to have a
    "redo" command together with the "undo" ?

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    Sylvain Loiseau

    Université Paris 13
    99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
    F-93430 Villetaneuse

    Laboratoire Sedyl, UMR 8202
    Campus CNRS
    7 rue Guy Môquet
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    Tickets: #133

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    There is indeed a preference to disable the dynamic menus and have all the menu items displayed simultanelously. It really makes some menus quite big and navigation more complicated. My feeling is that the menus are already big enough in their dynamic state but I'd be glad to hear other opinions.
    Anyway, the preference is Use Dynamic Menus in the Menus panel of Alpha ↣ Preferences ↣ Global Preferences.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    Le 10 mai 2017 à 09:10, Sylvain Loiseau a écrit :

    My opinion is that it is one of the nice feature of Alpha and I should have found that Redo menu. Plus, it is the very standard shortcut for it.

    I also feel that it is reasonable to expect a new user to learn 4-5 key features of a new app that are really useful and pervasive, and in order to use Alpha one have to learn, for instance, that (1) in order to insert the « tab » char you have to use alt-tab and that (2) « paired functions » are (i) linked to the same menu entry dynamically changed by alt and/or (ii) have the same shortcut modulo the alt modifier, and so on.

    However, maybe undo/redo should be treated differently because:
    - it is very standard in every app to have the two functions as the first two items in the Edit menu
    - it is not the alt modifier, and there are few cases where the shift key change dynamically the menu (I found « Sort Lines »~« Sort paragraph » in « Text » menu and « Find Next »~« Find Previous » in « Search » Menu. « Find previous » is also a very basic functionality that one may feel frustrating not to found in the first place. Again this is the standard shortcut, I guess I found it because I did not search it... in the menu). Maybe dynamic menu could be limited to « alt » and the three shift-modified menu items treated as static menu?

    Excellent suggestions. Quite convincing. I’ll implement them.

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    This is fixed now.

    Changes committed to the repository (rev. 1344).

  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: open --> fixed
  • Bernard Desgraupes

    • status: fixed --> closed
    • Version: 9.0b3 --> 9.0b4

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