Unfortunately it appears that the author of this single person open source project has passed on a while ago and no new maintainer has come forward. I habe switched to Sublime Text since. Reluctantly. el -- Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse \ / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (retired) el@lisse.NA / * | Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell) PO Box 8421 Bachbrecht \ / If this email is signed with GPG/PGP 10007, Namibia ;____/ Sect 20 of Act No. 4 of 2019 may apply On Dec 5, 2024 at 16:37 +0200, Laurent PRALY via AlphaCocoa-devel...
Some line numbers disappear
Pop-ups & others not working in Sonoma
Alpha et MacOs 14.2
Bash mode doesn't work (well)
Maxima Mode uses wrong comment delimiters for syntax highlighting
Paste into Document also Copies to Clipboard
Printing from built-in PDF viewer
Hi Bernard, I can't remember the last time that I saw this problem. I think that this ticket should be marked as fixed and closed. Another ticket can be opened if this problem ever raises its ugly head again. Cheers, Chris.
HOME key and END key hang Alpha (spinning wheel)
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain ... Permission denied
I have to explain a little better, if I double click into '\vfill' in something like '\vfill\item' it selects also '\item' (while cliking on '\item' produces the expected behaviour)
another latex mode word double-click issue
Hi John, thank you for reporting. I'll look into this.
Window Woes
Not on the machine I am using the most at the moment. I will upgrade. On 2 Jun 2021, at 8:05 pm, Bernard Desgraupes via AlphaCocoa-devel alphacocoa-devel@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:alphacocoa-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote: External email: Please exercise caution Hi Chris, are you using the new Alpha 9.2.3 ? [tickets:#251]https://sourceforge.net/p/alphacocoa/tickets/251 Strange hang Status: open Created: Thu Apr 22, 2021 06:00 AM UTC by Chris Skeels Last Updated: Wed Jun 02, 2021 07:08 AM UTC...
Hi Chris, are you using the new Alpha 9.2.3 ?
Hi Bernard, The % character has certainly been there on occasion, as does the notion of automatic line breaking (which I do have turned on). That said, it is one of those things that was infrequent and not something that I was ever thinking about until it started happening, whereupon it was a bugger to get rid of. Anyway, what you describe has that ring of familiarity to it. I would be happy if my bug was marked as a duplicate of the earlier ones and, if it persists after the next upgrade, it can...
Hi Chris, Bugs #246 and #249 have been explicitly fixed. I don't know if this is the same problem as the one you encounter but here are the circumstances that triggered the apparent freeze: it occurred potentially in any mode provided the current document had Automatic Line Breaking turned on and there was an escaped comment character in the current line. For instance, in TeX mode (where the comment symbol is %), a line like Optimus pretosius corrumperet ossifragi \% catelli... triggered the freeze...
That previous post should have said TeX mode not text. This, I believe ,is just a repeat of Bug #249, which I notice that you have just closed. Has something happened for it to be resolved? It continues to happen for me, although I am still yet to find the cause. That said, it is a tenacious problem once it occurs. It will continually happen at a particular point in the text, no obvious pattern as to which point, although always towards where a line break should ordinarily occur. Once it happens...
Further to this, I am mostly in text mode and the key combination cmd-I does seem to induce the problem.
S+/R mode - Process Current File (Cmd^T) fails
RemReminder on ticket #248 : Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
Freeze when using command+I
Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
Freeze at (26, 70)
Migrating Find Patterns
Bumped version to 9.2.4 Alkalurops
Restoring Previous Versions Keyboard Shortcuts
I don't see how << a recent version of Alpha had taken back Command-Option-D from the Dock >> because the bindings that are hijacked by the System do not even reach the application. The only possibility there, is that you defined something different for Hiding/Showing the Dock in the System preferences. Nevermind, I have now defined ctrl-opt-cmd-D as the default in Alpha for the Uncomment Line command. The Embrace thing seems to be solved now as you explained here. So I'm resolving this Ticket as...
Hi Bernard, Thank you for your quick response. I forgot to mention that I’m using Alpha 9.2.3 on Catalina (10.15.7). I’m also running other computers with Mojave (10.14.6) and El Capitan (10.11.6), but nothing later. I have not yet ventured into Big Sur, so I can’t speak to any shortcuts it has hijacked. While I was surprised to find that a recent version of Alpha had taken back Command-Option-D from the Dock, I don’t need you to make any change there. I have already achieved the solution I need...
Hi Bernard, Thank you very much for explaining this to me. For what it’s worth, I was looking to restore the saved patters from the old machine. I did not dare to hope that the transient recent patterns might be accessible. That is quite nice. As an added bonus, overwriting Alpha’s preferences on the Catalina machine with the preference folder from the El Capitan machine has solved my Embrace problem (Ticket #253). Thank you for suggesting this. Best, John On May 31, 2021, at 11:00 AM, Bernard Desgraupes...
Hi John, I'm not sure which patterns you have in mind. Do you mean just the last used patterns or do you mean saved patterns that would be listed at the bottom of the Patterns popup in the Find dialog. The former are stored in a global variable called recentSearches, the latter are stored in a global array called searchPattern. Both variables are found respectively in the files defs.tcl or arrdefs.tcl located in Alpha's Preferences folder (by default ~/Library/Preferences/Alpha-v9). Anyway, what...
Hi John, concerning the Uncomment Line binding I can easily change it by default to ctrl-D. Is it the preferred binding for this ? Concerning Embrace, I must have missed something because it works perfectly well for me (but I do not have a recent version of OSX because my laptop was stolen and I'm currently working with an older machine with High Sierra). Has ctrl-B been hijacked by Big Sur ? Note that the Embrace package allows you to choose something different via the Embrace-trigger preference...
Migrating Find Patterns
Restoring Previous Versions Keyboard Shortcuts
Post release: reset Debug configuration
Created tag 'vs-9_2_3' for version 9.2.3 at revision 2009.
Last commit before tagging 'vs-9_2_3'.
Hi Bernard Thank you very much. Indeed the problem seems to be solved. We are very fortunate to have you so efficient to take care of Alpha Regards Laurent Praly
Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
This is fixed now. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 2009). See details in Ticket 250.
RemReminder on ticket #248 : Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
This is fixed now. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 2009). All reported faults are resolved in the example given. Please continue to report if you experience other issues. Note that in order to avoid that the word letter be flagged, you can enable the latex mode preference called Dont Spell Check Preamble.
Fix for Tickets #248/250
Removed debugging calls in S mode
Fixed Ticket 252. Updated the doc.
S+/R mode - Process Current File (Cmd^T) fails
So I have implemented this new behaviour in Alpha 9.2.3 (soon to be released). Marking this ticket as fixed.
Thanks a lot Bernard (merci beaucoup). It works like a charm, I just use Cmd^T (all other T related shortcuts are already in use by many other processes). Works nicely as the new Cmd^T ;-) BTW, yes, as far back as I can remember (many, many years of R use with Alpha) Cmd^T has sourced the R script. But I have to admit, I do not remember when that changed, as I have not used R since several months now.
Hi Chris, thanks for reporting this. I would need something reproducible or more details about the circumstances. I have reviewed the attached file Problem Report.txt but my skills are insufficient to understand what is going on. Let's keep this ticket open until we know more...
Dear Bernard, Perhaps one more thing on this: As I said initially, this may also be the result from changes in R and it could well be that Alpha’s S+/R mode is not the reason for the change in behavior. Andreas ETH Zurich Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Fischlin IPCC Vice-Chair WGII Systems Ecology - Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics CHN E 24 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
Dear Bernard, Perhaps one more thing on this: As I said initially, this may also be the result from changes in R and it could well be that Alpha’s S+/R mode is not the reason for the change in behavior. Andreas ETH Zurich Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Fischlin IPCC Vice-Chair WGII Systems Ecology - Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics CHN E 24 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND andreas.fischlin@env.ethz.chandreas.fischlin@env.ethz.ch www.sysecol.ethz.ch/people/andreas.fischlin.htmlhttp://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/people/andreas.fischlin.hml...
I'm not sure what you call "previous behavior" since Alpha's R mode has been working like this for several years now. Anyway, what you want to achieve is quite simple to implement. Here is an implementation that you can copy in your file SPrefs.tcl : proc S::sourceCurrentScript {} { global SmodeVars mode set f [win::Current] if {$f eq ""} { return } if {$mode ne "S"} { alertnote "Current file is not in S+/R mode." } if {[winDirty] && [askyesno \ "Do you want to save the file before sending it to...
I don't use R GUI, only the R command line (and R Studio). On start and when doing the TCL Shell I get Error: Can't find app with id 'org.R-project.R' I think I have used every possible way of connecting /usr/local/bin/R (which is a symlink) to Alpha. in the Helper Apps it points to the realpath of R after connecting the symlink. Alpha 9.2.2 R version 4.0.4/4.0.5 (homebrew) Big Sur 11.3.1 I really would like to be able to use Alpha with R (commandline) greetings, el
Ok. Let me explain: I guess you mean the menu command in Alpha's S+/R mode menu 'Source A Script...'. This command is not of much use, as it is cumbersome and you have to go through the file selection dialog and reselecting the file you have currently open in Alpha to accomplish the sourcing. That is about the same as switching to R and there to issue the correspondng menu command "File -> Source File...". True, these commands do what the S+/R mode has been doing previously when issuing Cmd^T, i.e....
I don't use R GUI, only the R command line (and R Studio). On start and when doing the TCL Shell I get Error: Can't find app with id 'org.R-project.R' I think I have used every possible way of connecting /usr/local/bin/R (which is a symlink) to Alpha. in the Helper Apps it points to the realpath of R after connecting the symlink. Alpha 9.2.2 R version 4.0.4/4.0.5 (homebrew) Big Sur 11.3.1 I really would like to be able to use Alpha with R (commandline) greetings, el On 2021-05-13 11:42 , Fischlin...
Hmm, at this point I get confused. You have a command Source A File if you only want to source the file without seeing all the instructions in the R console. Concerning the slowness, isn't it because your script demands a lot of work on the R side ?
Bonjour Bernard, Thanks for any hints on this issue (which is perhaps not a bug ;-) ). Andreas
I tried to execute from the Tcl Shell and get the same. No error message, instead of sourcing the entire script is shown in the R console. I attach a screenshot from R's console so you can see the difference. This is a new behavior. In the attached screenshot you see first the end of the processed R script as sent from Alpha, then I have manually written a comment explaining that I would now source the very same file (at the bottom). With the updated R, the speed is again acceptable and I can at...
I updated R to R 4.0.5 GUI 1.74 Catalina build (7950). This works better as the script steps are at least not only shown but also executed acceptably fast now. However, the R script file is still not sourced as was previously the case.
Hi Andreas, do you get an error message ? If not, could you try to execute the command from the Tcl Shell like this S::processCurrentFile /path/to/the/script.R where you replace /path/to/the/script.R by the full path of your R script. See if you get an error message.
S+/R mode - Process Current File (Cmd^T) fails
Strange hang
Thank you very much for your anwser. So I'll be patient :-) . Don't rush. I'll find a way around waiting for your solution
Hi Laurent, I'm sorry for the lack of responsiveness but I am well aware of these bug reports about the shortcomings of spellchecking in TeX mode. This is on top of my todo list and I'll try to fix this ASAP.
RemReminder on ticket #248 : Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
Freeze when using command+I
Freeze when using command+I
Thanks for reporting this. This is a duplicate of Ticket #246. It has been fixed. This is caused by the \% on this line which creates an infinite loop due to a miscalculation of some position. I should release Alpha 9.2.3 now so that people are not bitten by this anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Freeze when using command+I
New proc htmlview::clearViewer.
Implemented -selected option for TextField and more generally for views with a field editor. Updated the doc. New test file TextField_selected_test.tcl.
Problems with the spellchecker of Alpha 9.2.2 in TeX Mode for french
Dear all, Just to cofirm, I have also observed this behavior many versions ago. However, at the moment I am afraid I cannot tell which version that was I observed this a bit annoying behavior the first time. Andreas ETH Zurich Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Fischlin IPCC Vice-Chair WGII Systems Ecology - Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics CHN E 24 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
For what it’s worth, I just did a tiny bit of digging and discovered that another computer running a different operating system and a different version of Alpha is also doing the same thing. This time, it is Alpha 9.0.7 on a 2008 MacBook Pro running OS X El Capitan (10.11.6). On a third computer, a 2014 MacBook Pro running Alpha 9.1.1 and macOS Mojave (10.14.6), I get the same results. Best, John
Hi Bernard, It sounds like this is not happening to you. Thank you for confirming this; it gives me hope I can get this resolved. Yes, I am familiar with the Hide Extension checkbox. When I first noticed the problem, I immediately checked to see if that was the problem. However, there is no such checkbox in Alpha’s Save As dialog box. Also, if that were the issue, the extension would still be there, so Alpha would correctly color the text. It does not in this case. I am using Alpha 9.2.2 on a 2019...
Freeze at (26, 70)
This is fixed now. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 2004).
Fix for Ticket #246. New -reload option in proc htmlview::createHtmlViewer.
Dear all, Just to cofirm, I have also observed this behavior many versions ago. However, at the moment I am afraid I cannot tell which version that was I observed this a bit annoying behavior the first time. Andreas ETH Zurich Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Fischlin IPCC Vice-Chair WGII Systems Ecology - Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics CHN E 24 Universitaetstrasse 16 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND andreas.fischlin@env.ethz.chandreas.fischlin@env.ethz.ch www.sysecol.ethz.ch/people/andreas.fischlin.htmlhttp://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/people/andreas.fischlin.hml...
For what it’s worth, I just did a tiny bit of digging and discovered that another computer running a different operating system and a different version of Alpha is also doing the same thing. This time, it is Alpha 9.0.7 on a 2008 MacBook Pro running OS X El Capitan (10.11.6). On a third computer, a 2014 MacBook Pro running Alpha 9.1.1 and macOS Mojave (10.14.6), I get the same results. Best, John On Mar 21, 2021, at 2:54 PM, Bernard Desgraupes bdesgraupes@users.sourceforge.net wrote: Hi John, nothing...
Hi Bernard, It sounds like this is not happening to you. Thank you for confirming this; it gives me hope I can get this resolved. Yes, I am familiar with the Hide Extension checkbox. When I first noticed the problem, I immediately checked to see if that was the problem. However, there is no such checkbox in Alpha’s Save As dialog box. Also, if that were the issue, the extension would still be there, so Alpha would correctly color the text. It does not in this case. I am using Alpha 9.2.2 on a 2019...
Hi John, nothing has changed recently in this area in Alpha, Sometimes the system itself offers a Save As dialog with a checkbox "Hide Extension" checked (based on what, I can't tell). Do you observe this check box (usually in the left bottom corner of the dialog) ? Which version of OS X do you have ?
Missing File Name Extensions
I confirm that this is a bug. I have experienced it myself recently. This is caused by the percent sign in this line of text which causes an infinite loop when the return key is pressed to insert a new line. I'll look into this. Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience.
Two more attachements
Freeze at (26, 70)
problem with filename in .tab
I have never seen this problem again in the past three years. I assume Apple fixed something in the OS. Closing this ticket now. Please reopen if necessary.
This is fixed now implementing Jpachim's solution. I have defined a new preference called Secondary Input Encoding that is the default choice offered if Alpha failed to open a file with the input encoding. Changes committed to the repository (rev. 2003).
Fix for Ticket #240. New preference Secondary Input Encoding. Updated the doc.
Dynamical Menus under MacOS Big Sur
Marking in sh mode fails completely or is useless