
Alpha Better Color Expansion / News: Recent posts

ABCE 2.0.4 released.

This new version is a first release of ABCE 2, which is completely reworked and is more stable that any of old 1.x versions. Also, 2.0.4 includes a lot of new features, such as toolbar and new possible player combitations.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-12-24

CES2b-compliant client released.

ABCE 1.7.1 now supports Color Expansion Server 2b and has better thinking algorithm. It seems that ABCE 1.7.1 moved too close to SoD 2.0, and their score might be tight if bug caused ABCE to hang when it almost win will be fixed.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-26


We are now Alpha Better Color Expansion school.
If someone can explain why Nebo Hodimo is better then AlphaBetter, go to Feedback.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-12

New version 1.7

Try out our new version 1.7, which allows a lot of new features, see changelog.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-12

New version should work with CES 2

Try ournew version - 1.6.5 beta. It supports
protocol version 2, and can display player names.
But the CES2 itself is buggy and don't implement
protocol version 2. 1.6.5beta hasn't been tested under CES 2a, but we recommend to use CES 1x as
the best server (for now.)

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-06

Third warrior!

Color expansion seems to increas popularity. Third playing program, written on Java, was introduced.
It haven't been tested yet vs. ABCE, so we can't say anything about its strength.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-05

The third battle.

Yahoo! We've fixed the bugs in network playing for our client, and it won the battle vs. Domain School. See for details.

Posted by Alex Kotlyarov 2002-11-05