
Laughing Man Factorial Alpha Release

Laughing Man Factorial will be the evolution of Laughing Man. Like Laughing Man it is an application for monitoring webpage changes, however it does so using the Objective-C/Cocoa framework as opposed to Java, and leverages Core Data, bindings, and value transformers to produce a smaller code footprint.

The alpha release does not unintenionally use zero-link, and should be usable to anyone with Tiger. This release also adds better drag and drop support. In particular it introduces inter-application drag support. Drag an url from the Safari address bar to the bookmarks table, to create a new bookmark. Drag a category to the safari bookmarks view to copy all bookmarks.

The alpha release is an opportune time for users of Laughing Man to give feed back, as factorial is currently inactive development.

OS X 10.4 required

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-11-12

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