
allusions / News: Recent posts

ogsPing 1.3 Released

ogsPing is a utility that notifies you when you have pending moves on the online go server ( It is available as a dashboard widget and a desktop application.

For more information:
OS X 10.5 required
OS X 10.4 users can use the dashboard widget

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2008-06-05

ogsPing 1.2 Released

ogsPing is a utility that notifies you when you have pending moves on the online go server. It is available as a dashboard widget and a desktop application.

For more information:
OS X 10.4 or 10.5 required

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2008-02-21

ogsPing released

ogsPing is a utility that tells you if you have any moves to make on ogs (online go server). []
OS X 10.4 required

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2007-10-20

Article: Adding Drag support to an NSTreeController Part 2

This article describes how to use an NSOutlineView with an NSTreeController and core data and supporting drag operations. Nested categories are planned for the next release of Laughing Man Factorial. This is the second part of a two part series.

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2006-03-06

Article: Adding Drag support to an NSTreeController Part 1

This article describes how to use an NSOutlineView with an NSTreeController and core data and supporting drag operations. Nested categories are planned for the next release of Laughing Man Factorial. This article is the first part of a two part series.

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2006-03-06

Laughing Man Factorial 0.1 Release

Laughing Man Factorial, the evolution of Laughing Man, is an application for monitoring webpage changes. Factorial is written in Objective-C and leverages Core Data, bindings, and value transformers. The 0.1 release of Laughing Man Factorial fixes several bugs, and brings Factorial almost up to par with the original Laughing Man; in some respects it is currently better than the original. Detailed changes are available here: read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-11-26

Laughing Man Factorial Beta Release

Laughing Man Factorial will be the evolution of Laughing Man. Like Laughing Man it is an application for monitoring webpage changes, however it does so using the Objective-C/Cocoa framework as opposed to Java, and leverages Core Data, bindings, and value transformers to produce a smaller code footprint.

The beta release adds frequency support and functionality to refresh all sites. A convenience script has been included to delete data and re-import data from Laughing Man, so that frequency data can be re-imported.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-11-20

Laughing Man Factorial Alpha Release

Laughing Man Factorial will be the evolution of Laughing Man. Like Laughing Man it is an application for monitoring webpage changes, however it does so using the Objective-C/Cocoa framework as opposed to Java, and leverages Core Data, bindings, and value transformers to produce a smaller code footprint.

The alpha release does not unintenionally use zero-link, and should be usable to anyone with Tiger. This release also adds better drag and drop support. In particular it introduces inter-application drag support. Drag an url from the Safari address bar to the bookmarks table, to create a new bookmark. Drag a category to the safari bookmarks view to copy all bookmarks.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-11-12

Laughing Man Factorial Preview Release

Laughing Man Factorial will be the evolution of Laughing Man. Like Laughing Man it is an application for monitoring webpage changes, however it does so using the Objective-C/Cocoa framework as opposed to Java, and leverages Core Data, bindings, and value transformers to produce a smaller code footprint.

This is the initial release of Factorial. The preview release is an opportune time for users of Laughing Man to give feed back, as factorial is currently inactive development.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-11-05

Fat Cat 0.6

Fat Cat is a simple zap2it client for OS X users. provides TV listings for free, no monetary charge, however short quarterly surveys must be completed to keep your account active. Fat Cat can quickly download and present your local tv listings using the zap2it webservice.

Point six adds a new feature, the hotlist; highlight your favourite programs and cycle through them quickly with the space bar. Some minor interface tweaks and code cleanup are also in this release. ... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-10-30

Fat Cat 0.5.2

Fat Cat is a simple zap2it client for OS X users. provides TV listings for free, no monetary charge, however short quarterly surveys must be completed to keep your account active. Fat Cat can quickly download and present your local tv listings using the zap2it webservice.

This release fixes a bug that prevented users who did not have permission to the /tmp directory from using Fat Cat. Data is now saved in the users home directory.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-10-23

Laughing Man 1.0

Laughing Man is an application for monitoring webpage changes for OS X users. It uses a web servers last modified date if available, otherwise it generates a hash number based on the contents of the page.

Laughing Man is written in Java and connected to an OS X interface using the Java cocoa bridge and interface builder. The meat, or logic code is pure Java, so the application is theretically system independent; theoretically because a system indpendent controller interface has not been written.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-10-09

Fat Cat 0.5.1

Fat Cat is a simple zap2it client for OS X users. provides TV listings for free, no monetary charge, however short quarterly surveys must be completed to keep your account active. Fat Cat can quickly download and present your local tv listings using the zap2it webservice.

This release fixes a bug that prevented the downloading and display of sattelite channels with alphabetic characters such as "F4-01"; the sorting routine in the parser has also been rewritten to handle more than numbers.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-09-13

RELEASED: Fat Cat 0.5

Fat Cat is a simple zap2it client for OS X users. provides TV listings for free, no monetary charge, however short quarterly surveys must be completed to keep your account active. Fat Cat can quickly download and present your local tv listings using the zap2it webservice.

This release adds a search feature and fixes some minor interface glitches.

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-09-05

RELEASED: Fat Cat 0.4

A simple zap2it client for mac os x users.

This release changes very little of the interface, but there are significant changes to the engine. Data is preloaded for a more enjoyable user experience, and threading is used to allow reponsiveness of other functions (i.e. moving the window) while loading data.

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-08-21

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.7

Laughing Man is an application for monitoring webpage changes.

Summary of changes

OS X controller
Use space bar to move to next changed site
Open links in background
Last category + bookmark selected saved

Catching socket timeouts
Catch if server stops supporting last modified
User-Agent displays "Laughing Man"

For more information: read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-08-15

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.6

Laughing Man is an application for monitoring webpage changes.

Summary of changes

OS X controller
Unexpected errors display in red
Objc-java weak reference error corrected
Better error handling

Deprecated alternative datasources, too tedious
Added force hash check
Added unexpected error

For more information:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2005-06-30

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.5

Laughing Man is an application that detects if a webpage has changed. It uses a web servers last modified date if available, otherwise it generates a hash number based on the contents of the page.

Summary of changes:
* Category support for all datasources
* Interface tweaks

For more information:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-09-18

RELEASED: Fat Cat 0.3

That cat, he's phat. A simple zap2it client for mac os x users.

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-06-10

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.4

Laughing Man is an application that detects if a webpage has changed. It uses a web servers last modified date if available, otherwise it generates a hash number based on the contents of the page.

Summary of changes:
* Drag and drop support
* dynamic doc icon
* initial category support

For more information:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-05-30

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.3

Laughing Man is an application that detects if a webpage has changed. It uses a web servers last modified date if available, otherwise it generates a hash number based on the contents of the page.

Summary of changes:
* Significant interface changes have been made to the cocoa controller.
* Ignoring images can now be done on a site by site basis instead of global.
* A mySQL data source, the fourth and final data source has been added.... read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-05-02

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.2

Laughing Man is an application that detects if a webpage has changed. It uses a web servers last modified date if available, otherwise it generates a hash number based on the contents of the page.

For more information:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-04-17

RELEASED: Laughing Man 0.1

Laughing Man is the first in a series of Allusions side projects. It explores data storage methods. Laughing Man is an application that detects if a webpage has changed.

For More information:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2004-04-04

eawtStubs deprecated

Eawt Stubs allows a Java programmer to write cross-platform Java applications while making a Java application appear more like a Mac application. It only supports the latest 1.4 Apple Java libraries.

The more robust MRJAdapter has been adopted by the Allusions project to eliminate any duplication of effort, and to make future Allusions applications more Mac friendly.

MRJAdapter can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2003-09-21

RELEASED: Allusions 0.1

Allusions is a graph based media mapping game written in Java. Version 0.1 is the first release of Allusions. This release provides basic application functionality.

Anyone that finds the concept of the Allusions game interesting is encouraged to try it out and send feedback to

Download version 0.1:

For more information on Allusions visit:

Posted by joeshortsleeve 2003-09-01