
V problem on Windows 7 32bit laptop

  • Mike Harrison

    Mike Harrison - 2010-04-02

    I have used v3.62 for ages on several Windows XP machines with no problems and
    found it extremely useful.

    I recently acquired a 32bit Windows Vista laptop, updated it to Windows 7 and
    tried out Allchars on it.

    It worked for one character only in MediaMonkey, a program I had previously
    used with Allchars 3.62 on other machines, and then all subsequent attempts
    just produced the character combination after Ctrl.

    Stopping Allchars and restarting it have had no effect.

    Uninstalling Allchars, reinstalling it and restarting have had no effect.

    I have been running Allchars as an administrator right from the start of my

    Has anyone else had this problem? If so, did they manage to solve it?

  • mulberryfan

    mulberryfan - 2010-04-03

    Hi. I can't find my posts, but earlier I reported problems in trying to get
    Allchars 5.0.181 (and also version 4) to work on Windows XP Pro. I finally had
    to go back to 3.62, which works fine. On my 32-bit Windows7 netbook, however,
    I was able to install and use 5.0.181. I didn't do anything special. I think
    I checked *nix feel and selected the Menu key, in keeping with a suggestion I
    read here. That didn't work for me on XP, but it did on Win7.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2010-11-17

    I too have used AllChars for a decade very happily, but experience problems
    with on Windows 7.

    I want to use the left Ctrl key as compose key.

    When I set the configuration file to 'Ctrl' AllChars doesn't work. Ctrl, ', e
    shows up as 'e instead of é

    When I set the configuration file to Left-Ctrl, AllChars does work, but the
    normal Ctrl function is interfered with: The normal Ctrl-C (to copy) doesn't
    work anymore (Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V do seem to work in some way). A few
    times I noticed that just pressing and releasing Ctrl-V didn't work, but
    pressing and holding Ctrl-V did make the copied text to paste (several times).
    Even worse is that (observed in Word 2010) after having pressed the Ctrl
    button once, the machine seems to experience a continuously pressed Ctrl-
    button, as pressing Enter gives a new page (Ctrl-Enter is the code for that in
    Word), when typing numbers they don't appear and typing chars evokes several
    special functions thet probably are linked to 'Ctrl-that letter'. I had to
    reboot to get rid of this 'Ctrl-capture'. Summarizing, either AllChars works,
    but a host of other Ctrl-related problems start to occur, or AllChars doesn't
    work. I'll try with the 4.0.. version


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