
Problems with "MissingChars"

  • MrHole

    MrHole - 2009-05-23

    I have been a satisfied user of AllChars for more than half a year now, but this week I had to delete and reorganize my hard disk, so everything was formatted. I use/used AllChars mainly in order to quickly create signs like “õ” or “ã“ (among others; but these two – and their respective capital letters – are the two impossible to manage). Since the default configuration for these signs didn’t work out already half a year ago either, I had to create some MissingChars as described in the FAQs (I used a scheme as follows: “-aã”). But in contrast to then, this just won’t work out any more, and I have no idea why. It took me at least six or seven tries until I finally gave in. I’m German and naturally have a German keyboard layout. I use/used version 4.0.321 on WindowsXP.

    Thank you for any help!

    • MrHole

      MrHole - 2009-06-05

      I have it!

      The clou is NOT to change the actual file which is called "allchars.ini" as depicted in the FAQs, but to change the one that's just called "AllChars" and is a system-relevant one (you know those with a cogwheel on them). I found out that AllChars seems to ignore the actual "allchars.ini" file for I even deleted it and the software still made all the other accents that I could use already.
      The "AllChars" file also opens with editor and there you can do the same changes as you would have tried (desperately) in the "AllChars.ini"-one.
      Any evidence? There you go: õ ã ñ Õ Ã Ñ ;-)

    • Carson

      Carson - 2009-05-23

      (1) I admire your ability to use excellent English, as a German. I'm Canadian, and English is my only language.

      (2) I am using AllChars 4.0.321 as well, on both XP 64-bit and XP 32-bit systems. I'm using the basic US keyboard (although my global language selection on my computer is English—Canadian).

      (3) On mine, AllChars 4 does what it is supposed to. Like you, I use it mainly for accents. Without having to modify the basic AllChars installation at all, I have

      — Control H H for Help (I think of it as Control Help Help)

      — and I can use {Control + [Shift ~] + o} to get õ
      — or {Control + [Shift ~] + a} to get ã
      — or {Control + [Shift ~] + O} to get Õ
      — or {Control + [Shift ~] + A} to get Ã

      In theory, the above modifications will show correctly on your computer, even without your AllChars. But I am suspicious they will NOT show correctly, and that would suggest to me that your difficulty is most likely connected with AllChars' transition to the German keyboard. However, I'm afraid I am totally ignorant about how that works.

      As other readers will see this, you might wish to comment on how my AllChars accents look to you. Do you see them as you should, or, if not, how do they show on your system? Thank you.

      Of course, if by chance I forgot to use [Shift] I would get only ò or à or Ò or À. But, apart from that, I don't know what might cause AllChars to fail to work for you. I'm sorry I can't suggest anything more substantial. (On the other hand, I suppose I would gladly trade my perfectly-performing AllChars for your ability to communicate so well in at least two languages! :-) Good luck, and best regards from Vancouver.

    • MrHole

      MrHole - 2009-05-24

      First of all: Thank you Carson for your efforts.

      As supposed by you, your scheme doesn't work for me, for us Germans have to activate "~" by typing "AltGr" + "~" ("~" lies on a key with the three possible alternatives "~" "+" "" to choose from). So the output for your four suggestions simply offers "o" "a" "O" "*A" respectively. Whether AllChars is on or not.

      The thing is that I do remember I had to try a few times until the MissingChars-option as described in the FAQs worked out half a year ago as well, and already then I didn't understand why, but after a few tries and perhaps changes everything worked out as I created it. But I just cannot remember any more and I strongly believe even that it funcitoned just as I put it this just doesn't make any sense. I'll simply wait a little longer for more suggestions to come up here.

      And as for the language skills: I absolutely appreciate your commendation (and I am not sure if it sounds showy if I tell you I need AllChars especially for the French and Portuguese I write) but I'm pretty sure there's a textbook of German to be found at Vancouver, too! There's no secret behind.

      Thanks again and greetings from Bamberg


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