I've two bugs to report.
1. (okay this might be a suggestion if its not a bug^^)
The descriptoins of the mods are shown, but they all ignore the NewLine commands, this makes it extremly hard to read the descriptions if the Modder has written much and originally seperated it with empty lines (fe. the description contains a list, or a part of an changelog)
I'm running a Windows 7 64bit system with 2 monitors. normally i start working apps on the right (secondary) screen.
The interface works fine so far, but if i open the preferences window on the secondary screen, it loads white (no controls visible), the mouseover tooltips do work as if the controls were there.
I tested it multiple times, this always happens only on first load, and only if the first loading takes place o nthe right screen, if i open it n the left screen everything is fine.
Also if i move the white preferences window from the right screen to the left, the controls appear after a half second and then stay visible, means if i move the preferences back to the right screen the controls are still visbile
Greez :)
1 - Well, I can't do that. You can't use Blank Characters on XML attributes. That's a definition of the XML Language. Multiple spaces, feeds and tabulations will be ignored. What could be done is to use HTML tags <br> to put a line feed. I wanted to change that behavior, but no Java XML Parser let me see the line feeds in the attribute =\ I'm already looking for an alternative way to get those spaces.
2 - Well, for now I could say it's a Swing bug or something. I've never seen anything like that before. And I can't test this because I don't have 2 monitors. In the code, we make no reference to monitors and Swing should handle it. I'll leave this ticket open until I got myself a second monitor, wich I'll do soon.
Thanks for reporting! I really appreciate your help!
^Screenshot of the preferences stuff
Well about the description 'suggestion'.
The original ModMan can actually use the standard utf-8 new line commands, maybe its just a problem with the java library/interpreter?
Well, can't do much for 1 for now. I'll leave this report open.
Give me some time to tihnk with a solution ^^