

Terence Monteiro

Alive Parish - Software for tomorrow's Parish

Alive Parish was developed to be a one-stop place to manage parish data, plus provide survey data to help Pastors better plan programmes to renew the Church. Its initial development has been sponsored by the Redemptorist Media Center, Bangalore.

Alive Parish is a web based software built on the Yii framework on PHP and using a database. It therefore requires a Web server with PHP support and a DBMS along with the Yii framework to run.


Recommended Softwares:
DBMS: MySQL 5.1+
Web Server with PHP: Apache 2.22+ with mod_php (PHP version 5.4.3)
Yii framework version 1.1.13

Windows users note: WAMP is a quick way to install Apache, MySQL and PHP
On Mac OS/X, XAMPP can be installed. Let us know if you try this


  1. Copy the parish folder under the DocumentRoot
  2. In the parent folder of DocumentRoot, create a folder named yii.
    Download and place the yii framework folder yii-1.1.13.e9e4a0 under this.
    The directory structure should be like:
    (parent of DocumentRoot)
    +-- Document Root
    | +-- parish
    +-- yii
    +-- yii-1.1.13.e9e4a0
    +-- framework
  3. In your Apache configuration, ensure that AllowOverride All is set for the parish folder
  4. Create a database and grant all privileges to a user
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON parish.* TO parish_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
  5. Point your browser to http://localhost/parish - it should redirect you to the online installer. Follow the instruction steps and complete the installation.


Please report any issues to . Kindly mention the issue with a
full text of any error message you may have encountered or a screenshot and also,
how you got the error and information needed to reproduce the issue.


Please read the file COPYING included with this software.


  • Terence Monteiro

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