
Ada Source Library Browser / News: Recent posts

1.7b released

New features include :

Binding to zlib library
Binding to expat library
Other features :
Find in Files
Optional xml output from aliscan
Example usage of ctree widget
more stable browse on Windows platforms

Posted by Rajagopalan Srinivasan 2001-01-10

Release 1.6b

Version 1.6b Dec 5, 2000


    Added File Name filtering using the gnat.regpat package. 
    The filter regular expression can be overridden via 
    the command line. Searches .ads and .adb files by default.

    Nuisance error message when -verbose flag was used is fixed.

    Number of error messages did not identify the source file 
    where the error was encountered. Now the first message with 
    respect to a file will also print the filename.... [read more](/p/alibrowse/news/2000/12/release-16b/)
Posted by Rajagopalan Srinivasan 2000-12-06

Release 1.5d

Finally I was successful uploading the zip file. I had to rename the file so the current filename is As always feeback of any kind welcome

Posted by Rajagopalan Srinivasan 2000-11-12