
Algernon-J / News: Recent posts

Algernon 5.0.1 released

Quickie release because v5.0 had the wrong version of Jatha integrated into it.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2005-01-04

Algernon 5.0 released

This release fixes a problem with backward chaining rules that appeared in the last release. Thanks to everyone who patiently waited for these fixes.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2005-01-02

Algernon 4.9 released

A new release of Algernon is available. This is compiled with Protege 2.1.2 (the final Protege v2 release). It is also compiled with Jatha 2.1, which adds additional functionality to the LISP backend. Also several bug fixes related to class loading that were interfering with running Google queries.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-08-11

Algernon 4.8 released

Version 4.8 is now available. It contains a few bug fixes and is recompiled with the latest libraries. Enjoy!

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-07-27

Algernon 4.7 released

This is a recompile with Protege 2.1.1 (build 239) and Jatha 1.9. Versions of Jatha prior to 1.9 had an error in the floating-point divide routine. Jatha is a LISP library used internally in Algernon and is also accessible through the Algernon commands as an embedded LISP processor.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-06-24

Algernon 4.6 released

This version of Algernon fixes a stack overflow problem on large knowledge bases (> 10,000 frames). It also contains some other minor changes as detailed in the ChangeLog. Additionally it is compiled with Jatha 1.8 and Protege 2.1 (build 232).

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-06-10

Algernon v4.4 released

This release fixes a bug in the handling of frames with a space in their names.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-05-07

Algernon 4.3 released

Algernon 4.2 contains a bug related to activating forward chaining rules, introduced in v4.2 That release is now
hidden and v4.3 is being released to correct the problem.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-05-02

Algernon 4.2 released

Algernon 4.2 is available. It fixes a minor but annoying bug in activating backward chaining rules when the slot name is a string rather than a symbol. Have fun!

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-05-01

Algernon 4.1 released

This release of Algernon, a rule engine for Protege, is built using the Protege 2.0 final release. It also incorporates a few minor changes and the latest release of Jatha.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2004-02-13

Viewing Algernon releases

Since there are two versions of Algernon, v3 for Protege 1.9 and v4 for Protege 2.0, there are usually two releases at the same time. However, SourceForge only shows the last release by default. To view all of them, click on the "View all files released" link at the beginning of the paragraph of text above the list of released files.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-24

Algernon 3.7.6 and 4.0.2(beta) released

Algernon v3.7.6 for Protege 1.9 and v4.0.2 for Protege 2.0 have been released. These versions enhance the trace output, fix the :ALL-PATHS command and add an example/ directory at the top level.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-24

Algernon 4.0 beta for Protege 2.0 beta released

Versions of Algernon 4.0 and higher are compiled with Protege 2.0. Both Protege 2.0 and Algernon 4.0 should be considered beta code.

As of now, there are no differences between the Algernon 3.x and 4.x releases except they are compiled against different Protege jar files.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-16

Algernon 3.7.4 released

This release fixes a bug in the Protege backend accidentally inserted into release 3.7.2.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-16

Algernon 3.7.2 withdrawn

Release 3.7.4 replaces it.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-16

Algernon 3.7.2 released

Algernon 3.7.2 was released December 11, 2003.
It includes bug fixes as well as several new pseudo-KB backends and the Java2Protege program that converts Java class hierarchies into Protege ontologies.

Posted by Micheal Hewett 2003-12-12