

Declan Gao

Web Application
How to add senior?
1. Open the website.
2. Click on "Display Seniors" to open seniors page (Events page will be displayed by default when user opens the website.)
3. Click on "Add Senior" tab.
4. Enter senior first name, last name and Email address
5. Click "Add Senior", a popup dialog will show up telling user a senior has been added if success.

How to delete senior?
1. Open seniors page by clicking on "Display Seniors".
2. Click "View Seniors" tab if necessary.
3. Click on the "X" button to delete a desired senior.

How to create event?
1. Click "Display Events" to open events page.
2. Click on "Create New Events" tab.
3. Follow the instruction on the right side (the order for step 1 - 6 doesn't matter).
4. Choose event type/description, time, date, duration and senior(s) for the event.
5. Click on "Create Event" button. A popup dialog will show up if succeeded.
Duration defines how many days the event lasts. For example, 1 means one-time event, and 3 means the event reoccurs for 3 days at the same time.
You can choose multiple seniors when creating event. This way, you can create events for all of them with one operation.
Choose "Other" to create customized event instead of the pre-defined ones. You do need to enter event description in the text box below.

How to view event status?
1. Open events page by clicking "Display Events".
2. Click "View Events" if necessary.
As showed in the picture blow, acknowledged field show the status of the event. "Not yet" means the event has not happened yet. A green "Yes" means the senior has acknowledged the event. A red "No" should really get your attention because it means the event has been rejected.

Android Application
How to change application settings?
1. Click on the "Settings" icon as shown in the picture below to open settings page.
2. You will see a list of available settings configuration.

How to change alarm ringtone?
1. Open settings page (as described above).
2. Click on "Ringtone Preference" to open up a list of available ringtones. You can click on ringtone items to hear a preview.
3. Click OK once you have made your choice.

Download at start up is annoying, how do I turn it off?
1. Open settings page.
2. Uncheck the check box that says "Download events at startup" as shown earlier in the picture.
Note: Available events will be automatically downloaded by default when application is launched.

What is "Refresh interval" and what does it do?
Refresh interval refers to the amount of time between two refresh operation (download event list from server).
You can change the number of hours by clicking on "Refresh Interval" item in settings page.

All changes go into effect immediately.

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