
AlchemyCMS / News: Recent posts

Resources, Error fixes and Project Hosting Updates.

The 2D Resources section is now open to our member base. Thank you to AlchemyZ for helping me gather resources to place in this section. We currently have over 6,000 resources in this section, but we're nowhere near finished!
I'm going to be taking a break from the resources section and the base site modules to try to release a beta version of the Project Hoster within the next few weeks. Project hosting space costs Ice Chips, so you'll want to contribute as much as you can over the next few weeks before I get the project hoster up.... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2008-04-18

Massive updates

Sorry its been so long since my last update, I've been busy working on the CMS.
I finished the PM'ing system,
added an ajax confirmation table for when you post in the forums, shows you how many points and post count you received,
added the downloads submission to the downloads module, so users can submit downloads and files, including the option to upload files using (with permission) XUpload's perl uploader to upload files of any size to the server, with a realtime progress bar,
added the AdminCP's default page, with site options like Site Title, Subtitle, Theme or Skin, Language, and the ability to turn maintenance mode (closing the site to all non-staff) on or off,
added the news admin, with the ability to create and edit new news categories, post and edit news articles,
Added downloads moderation, can approve and disapprove downloads and files submitted by the users (can't moderate reviews, screenshots, and category suggestions yet, will be up coming)
Added Moderator permission controls, staff will only have access to the section that they moderate in the admincp, and the abbility to post news articles, and thats it.... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2008-02-06

Reviews Done

Downloads reviews done, as well as some tweaking of the image safety script, and improvement on the files layout.

Working on the files sort-by/search and paging functions right now, should get those done sometime tonight, and then I need to add the downloads submission.

I'm considering adding the ability for the reviewer and the file's author/contributor to have a conversation or small thread inside each review to converse about the review, but I'm not sure about it, because
a.) that would be absolute hell to moderate, with all the different files and reviews
b.) could cause some issues with the ToS, an author flaming a reviewer or vice versa...... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2007-10-17

Even more, and great news!

The basic areas of the UserCP are finished, including points-based updates to a user's avatar, signature, etc.

Next to that, we've finished the simple area of the music section, for any category marked "simple" and with a given directory, it will span the directory and all of its children, as well as the files included within to find all the musical downloads available, and create directory based categories with drop down lists including each music file, and a download button to retrieve the file itself, furthermore, there is an anti-leech/download security script that will keep the link secret, and not allow hotlinking. "advanced" music section is not yet completed.
The community side of the news system is completed as well, latest news appears on the main page with number of comments, post when, rating, author, category, etc, and you can go to the news article page to read the full article, rate the article, and comment on the news.
The downloads section is nearing completion, all that is left is to integrate the perl module for large file uploads, add the downloads' reviews page, and add the links to the navigation tree.... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2007-10-16

More Updates

Sorry its taken so long... anyway...

We've moved the posting body functions and layout to TinyMCE and added a "powered by" link to the footer of the CMS, taking viewers back to the TinyMCE page. The forums are mostly compolete, and have been postable for awhile.

Updates: (Things that work since the last update)
1.) Forum Posting
2.) Forum Quick Reply
3.) Editing
4.) Quoting
5.) Admin and Moderator permissions
6.) "Users viewing" on individual pages
7.) Global "whereis" viewer list
8.) Child Forums
9.) Stickies/normal threads
10.) "Newest Member" block
11.) Automated posticon manager (Just add the images into the directory and they appear in the posting page),
12.) Site Maintainance mode w/ staff permission override
13.) Sitewide/global announcement
14.) "<IF Condition=" conditionals in templates
15.) Full multilanguage support (Though only the english language has been made... I only speak english)
16.) Optional rightbar on a per-page basis (code based... may add wysiwyg options fopr this in the future)
17.) Site points manipulation for posts/replies... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2007-07-17


Finished templating class and all templating functions. Works like a charm, and it's fast, too.
Rewriting database onnection class, currently only supports MySQL, and PHP.... might use mysqli() for new db class, which means users will have to have PHP5 and MySQL4+ installed. default database about 70% completed...
Added dynamic block ability to the templating system to better support theme creating and modules implementation.
bbcode formatting function complete... going to add custom bbcode creation module within 2-3 days.
Finished the AlchemyCMS logo!
Started working on the default AlchemyCMS theme...... read more

Posted by AbstraktAlchemy 2006-12-06