Activity for Album Art Downloader

  • Alex Vallat committed [abbb95] on Code

    Updated to 0.3

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #127

    In the File Browser, click the Options link, then in the Specify path to find images put the pattern that you use for naming the art. For you, it sounds like it should be %artist% %album%.%extension% but if that's not right, adjust it to whatever is right for you.

  • Brad Hamilton Brad Hamilton created ticket #127

    Exclude Existing Cover Art During Search

  • Alex Vallat committed [8ca22a] on Code

    Fix VGMdb script

  • Roberto Solorio Roberto Solorio created ticket #126

    Support animated album art

  • Alex Vallat committed [23aec4] on Code

    Fix 45cat script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please try, if you edit that n notepad or similar to paste your discogs personal access token where it says YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE then it should work.

  • Alex Vallat committed [47bf93] on Code

    Add Discogs API script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ouch, that's going to be a big job! If I get some time over the weekend I will have a go at writing a discogs API script, which would require you to have an account and create an API key.

  • Jason Russell Jason Russell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Alex. That's a huge pity, as I needed to somehow automate downloading artwork, as I accidently managed to delete all the embedded artwork in my 150K + music files :(

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I've checked it out and yeah, looks like Discogs are now returning a Forbidden response to AAD requests. Looks like some sort of cloudfare protection "Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue", so I might not be able to support Discogs any more. If MP3Tag needs a Discogs account then that's probably why it still works, AAD doesn't use accounts and just accesses it through the public web.

  • Jason Russell Jason Russell posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    HI, newbie user here. I'm trying to usee this program to get artwork from Discogs, but it never seems to return any results. Yet, if I use MP3Tag, I can find the cover art I need on the basis of the encoded Discogs ID field. Does the apop need to be autoorised on my Discogs account? I know that MP3Tag has to be.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    VirusTotal reports as clean. Please check your downloaded copy matches SHA1: 722c67a7cc9b039f7ddb6eaad7dcd56c7a21011e. If it does, you can report it to Webroot as a false positive.

  • John Artus John Artus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On October 20, 2023, when attempting a download of AlbumArtDownloaderXUI-1.05.exe, my antivirus (Webroot) reported detecting malware Win32.LocalInfect.2 I could download the equivalent file, though. Also, when running AlbumArtDownloader v1.0.2, and attempting to do an update, the app says "No updates are currently available."

  • Alex Vallat committed [9be1c5] on Code

    Update discogs to 0.28

  • Alex Vallat committed [f6ba00] on Code

    Update to 0.27

  • Alex Vallat committed [41a63a] on Code

    Update to 0.4

  • Schof Schof created ticket #125

    [FeatureRequest] Image resizing

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #43

    Hi, I'm not sure exactly what's going on from your screenshots. Here are some exact steps I've just tried, if you could tell me at what point the results you see differ from mine, or the steps you take to reproduce the problem are different, I can have a go at figuring out why: 1: Run Album Art Downloader XUI, it opens a new search window 2: Click the Options link, then in the Save Images To box, enter E:\MUSIC LIBRARY\TRACKS\%artist%-%album%-%source%-%size%.%extension% 3: In the Artist box, enter...

  • Dec Dec posted a comment on ticket #43

    hi there alex i continue to struggle w yr app please see attached screenshots and see if you can see what the issue or prob is kind regards don

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #43

    I don't know what created the files with those identifiers in them. If you want Album Art Downloader to use a different name than Folder.jgp, that's no problem. Click the "Options" link (just below the search fields) and find the "Save images to" box. Replace that with whatever you would like the filename to be. For example c:\my big album art folder\%artist%-%album%.%extension%. You can use .jpginstead of .%extension% if you want, but be careful if you might save images which are not jpegs, like...

  • Dec Dec posted a comment on ticket #43

    this is waht those files look like i mentioned,but i hv no ideas what created them

  • Dec Dec posted a comment on ticket #43

    PS from some separate earlier app, i previously noticed that in one of my music foilders there were a whole lot of unique file name jpgs for coverart of some particular albums/tracks, but i don't know how or waht created tehm

  • Dec Dec created ticket #43

    Basic Prob with saving album art work

  • Alex Vallat committed [377d3f] on Code

    Avoid crash when showing folder picker for file browser for invalid drive letter

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #42

    Thanks for reporting this. It isn't even enough to be an invalid path, it has to actually be an invalid drive letter to trigger this. I will investigate and fix.

  • A Man Eating Duck A Man Eating Duck created ticket #42

    Crash when trying to change file browser path

  • David Lopez David Lopez posted a comment on ticket #41

    Excellent...thank did it! I still have to download a couple of hundred album art, but it is better than my 3200 files. I appreciate your insight. David Lopez. From: on behalf of AlexVallat Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 1:25 AM To: [album-art:support-requests] Subject: [album-art:support-requests] #41 Not saving...

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #41

    I think mp3tag can do what you need, you can do a batch actions to export cover images: Or, if what your car needs is embedded images and what you have are separate images, then it can do the opposite and import covers too:

  • David Lopez David Lopez posted a comment on ticket #41

    Thank you for the response. Now I get it. This is for the purpose of me transferring my music into a USB drive so I can play it in my car and see the artwork when my car is media player plays the music. Right now very few files show album art when I put the USB drive in my car... But there is some artwork in there, that I don't even know how it got there. Any ideas of a good software for my purpose? Thank you again and have a great weekend. Get Outlook for Android From:

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #41

    Get Artwork will only get artwork for albums you have selected in the File Browser. Usually you would use the "Select all albums with missing artwork" link to select those which do not yet have artwork so it can download artwork for them. If File Browser is showing "Found" for all 99% of your albums, then they already have art and you don't need to find and download art for them. Album Art Downloader does not "attach the Album Artwork to each and every single music file", that's not what it's for....

  • David Lopez David Lopez posted a comment on ticket #41

    Hi, thank you for the quick reply...I run File Browser and it says "found" on 99% of my 3200 files...then I click "Get Artwork" and it puts it in a Folder.png in the same folder where all the music files are in...but when I open the Folder.png, only 4 or 5 Album Art Covers are in do I get the program to attach the Album Artwork to each and every single music file? Thank you. From: on behalf of...

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #41

    Sorry, I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly. Are you running the File Browser to search for albums which already have album art? For each one where it finds already existing album art the Artwork Status column will show what file it found, and you can click on that to show where it is. Note that the art might not necessarily be a separate file, it will also find art embedded within ID3 tags. If that's the case the filename will be listed like "SomeSong.mp3<0>" (for the first embedded image...

  • David Lopez David Lopez created ticket #41

    Not saving album cover in the "folder" created.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #39

    I'm afraid I can't really guess, then. There must be some policy or setting on your PC preventing you from downloading it, perhaps because it is a .exe file.

  • Don Doyle Don Doyle posted a comment on ticket #39

    Hello, I am downloading to the default Download folder where all other downloads are. Please advise. Thank you, Donald S. Doyle G.E.M. Technologies, LLC 317.250.4448 www.gemtechllc.com [cid:image001.png@01D8FF2A.78C95780] G.E.M. TECHNOLOGIES CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The materials enclosed with this electronic transmission are private and confidential and are the properties of the sender. The information contained in the material is privileged and...

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on ticket #39

    Check where you are downloading it to, perhaps you are trying to download it into a folder you do not have access to?

  • Don Doyle Don Doyle created ticket #39

    Insufficient Permissions when trying to download

  • Alex Vallat committed [49dd28]

    Update iTunes and discogs scripts

  • Alex Vallat committed [0504e7]

    Fix discogs again

  • Alex Vallat committed [7fac14]

    Update fanaarttv script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, no, it is not possible to extract the type from the filename for local files.

  • EonPeregrine EonPeregrine posted a comment on ticket #121

    +1 I usually do this to delete the old local files I've replaced. Perhaps alternatively local files that aren't saved can be automatically or selectively deleted.

  • EonPeregrine EonPeregrine created ticket #123

    Don't open multiple windows with the same parameters

  • EonPeregrine EonPeregrine posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That would be helpful. Along the same thought, is it possible to assign types to local files? Mine always come up as type Unknown, and I manually change them. Is it possible to extract type from the filename? Perhaps this is already possible and I'm doing it wrong?

  • EonPeregrine EonPeregrine created ticket #122

    Support more types of artwork

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the suggestion. If I do another release of AAD I will probably include this. It won't be optional, as the ordering is currently undefined, so I would just make local always first.

  • mneimeyer mneimeyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When Grouping by Local it would be great to (optionally?) have the Local Files first. The reason I'm doing a group by local is to see what I'm comparing the online searches against when I'm improving the art I already have. Right now it seems random whether the local will be first or not (I assume based on when results get returned) Thanks!

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    From the drop down menu on the save button, choose Edit Presets and then edit the values to remove the - from in front of them.

  • Bruce Margolin Bruce Margolin posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am having trouble saving files as just back.jpg or front.jpg after doing a search in the browser. I have ended up with things like -front or folder-front.jpg and I just want front.jpg or back.jpg. What code doe I need to put into the path in order to do this? Or do I put this code somewhere else. Thanks for helping.

  • Alex Vallat committed [20eee0]

    Update discogs

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [32b421]

    Couple of bug fixes (preview when unknown size was broken, LocalFilesSource depended on ArtSearchWindow when it shouldn't)

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [94b1c9]

    AlbumArtDownloader XUI added.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [8e6927]

    git-svn-id: 8d1bc4b6-e811-4374-9065-c5b6b76b2f37

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [c304d0]

    Added a Stop All button, and started a changelog.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [5dcb4c]

    Feature added: Ability to toggle display of information between on the side and underneath the thumbnail.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [c5c8ba]

    Feature added: Ability to toggle display of information between on the side and underneath the thumbnail.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [0223c3]

    git-svn-id: 8d1bc4b6-e811-4374-9065-c5b6b76b2f37

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [207eb5]

    Maximum and Minimum image size implementation done (including checkboxes to enable or disable each limit).

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [858de1]

    AlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.2 Preview

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [332b11]

    AlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.3 Preview

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [040584]

    Added CreateZip.bat to create a zip file for release. Requires 7-zip to be installed.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [da3598]

    AlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.4 Preview

  • MarcLandis committed [e11b07]

    fixed google script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [ede58c]

    Upgraded to Orcas Beta 1 project files, and fixed up any compile errors and warnings

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [744244]

    UI Framework for File Browser. Made Menu system a generic component that can be added to any window. Added TemplatePart metadata attribute descriptions to controls. Added "Exit" menu command. Added "Windows" placeholder menu for putting a window list in.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [2eb08b]

    More work on the file browser. Now enumerates over all files, and more of the UI is hooked up.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [9c1090]

    End of Weekend Checkin: More progress on File Browser. Still not integrated tag reading library, or done UI for display of results (currently just shows list of "Artist, Album" as text)

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [4b7dc2]

    Added album/artist tag reading capability to XUI, using MediaInfo (, as this looks to be a bit more maintained than ATL was, and handles a greater variety of formats.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [7e99de]

    Enhanced display of results in the Browser window to use grid columns, and have checkboxes for selecting them, with a Select All header.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [ad1ea0]

    AlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.5 Preview

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [08ed14]

    Bumped XUI version to 0.6

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [438871]

    Fixed bug reported where the same default image save path would be used for all search windows when multiple search windows were launched from the file browser.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [1cdd6f]

    AlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.6 Preview

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [74c431]

    Added script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [6d88b0]

    AlbAlbumArtDownloaderXUI v0.7 Preview

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [a1b2ab]

    Started work on 0.8, added support for drag and drop to file browser.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [a1d6bd]

    Cancel All button in Queue Manager

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [4fee6a]

    Script for revhq added, and RateYourMusic (and revhq) added to installer

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [4fbc1c]

    Album Art Downloader XUI verion 0.8 release

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [f7695a]

    Performance improvements to search results grid.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [f7695a]

    Performance improvements to search results grid.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [012fe8]

    Started changelog for 0.9

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [22d43d]

    FoobarBrowser now functional.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [7a46ab]

    Working persistent preview window.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [ec01fb]

    Added re-use of existing search window from the command line, if "Open Results in New Window" option is turned off, and there is only one search window currently open, and search terms are passed on the command line.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [bcfcba]

    Version 0.9 release

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [ec01fb]

    Added re-use of existing search window from the command line, if "Open Results in New Window" option is turned off, and there is only one search window currently open, and search terms are passed on the command line.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [b4f8d1]

    Oops, typo

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [ce67e8]

    Version 0.9.1 release - includes iTunes script

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [beced2]

    Fixed bug where invalid characters in the Save path would cause a crash

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [34e9a1]

    Failing to save settings will no longer crash

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [34e9a1]

    Failing to save settings will no longer crash

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [3a517a]

    Version 0.10 released

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [f40c3b]

    Updated to work again.

  • AlexVallat AlexVallat committed [b686cd]

    Version 0.12, including new CommandLineInterface

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