
Alambic as the best network player

  • McoreD

    McoreD - 2007-10-07

    Hi there guys,

    Many players, almost all, are poor handling files when the location is changed from outside of the player, possibly by another networked PC.

    With alambic hopefully you guys can overcome this problem! Imagine this scenario.

    PC1 creates Alambic database in \\PC1\Music\db.sql. This is a shared folder.
    The music files are linked to the database with a unique ID.
    Users in PC1 import music to this database.

    PC2 installed Alambic and uses \\PC1\Music\db.sql as its database.
    PC2 queries the music locations/tags by the Unique ID for the songs.

    A user in PC1 renames artist of an album. A song
    A song before rename: \\PC1\Music\Above and Beyond\Tri-state\Air for Life.mp3
    A song after renamed: \\PC1\Music\Above & Beyond\Tri-state\Air for Life.mp3

    Yes, in this example, the user changed "and" to "&". As a result, the tag renamed songs are also (hopefully by Alambic just like in iTunes!) moved to the new locations.

    Now when PC2 plays the affected songs, it won't matter that the locations are changed, because, it simply looks up the Unique IDs (and go aha! new location!) and plays as before.

    Will this be possible with Alambic?

    Not even iTunes does this because they are all linked by Track.Location.


    • GroXx

      GroXx - 2007-10-07

      Hi McoreD !

      Thanks for your suggestion, it sounds great :)
      I also suggest that we could make a kind of Windows service, which would only manage the database. We can imagine that this database could be remotely managed from the Alambic running on the user's PC. I think it could be useful for the people that stores their music on a server at home. They will just have to install the service on their server, no need of the whole Alambic.

      What do you think ?

      Well... We like your idea in the Team. It should not be too hard to code. Unfortunately, we have a LOT of work left before the first release, and we are not so much. Therefore, We won't be able to implement it in the first release... We'll see. Anyway, we keep your idea !

      GroXx for the Alambic Team


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