
AKME Mobile Maps / News: Recent posts

AkmeMobileMaps 0.7 with blinker

Finally, AkmeMobileMaps has a blink to indicate the actual current location. It uses the application icon for now but will be restructured to be a smaller less obtrusive graphic. The next step is for more maps.

To install, download the and extract to your SDCard on the BlackBerry and then install the AkmeMobileMaps from the .alx file via Desktop Sync or you could copy the AkmeMobileMaps.cod and .jad file to the root of the SDCard while attached to your computer and then navigate to file:///SDCard/AkmeMobileMaps.jad (case sensitive) on your BlackBerry Internet Browser.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-05-05

AkmeMobileMaps-0.6 with animated load screen

Any self-respecting application needs an animated load screen ;-) Next is an HTA for use on a PC to help define the lon-lat to x-y points on maps. You'll just need to click on the map an it will know the x-y to which you give the lon-lat in even increments.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-05-02

AkmeMobileMaps-0.5.0 with splash screen

AkmeMobileMaps-0.5.0 now has a splash screen and is getting closer to a workable model. The next steps are to geocode more of the CIA world maps and provide a utility, Windows-HTA-based to start, to slice and dice your own maps with latitude/longitude grid points that can be loaded to the SDCard.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-04-22


I've fixed the NullPointerException to instead complain that it can't find any maps. If you get the latest map file package, currently just North America, I've included the file that will find the maps.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-04-10

AkmeMobileMaps alpha

I'm still fighting some NullPointerException problems when the configuration files are missing so my apologies (I'm Canadian, so I'm obliged to apologize for everything) to those that have tried the app and likely received them. I'm uploading a default configuration ZIP to extract to the SDCard in the mean time.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-04-10

AkmeMobileMaps-0.4 alpha release

AkmeMobileMaps achieved the next stage of functionality with centering the map to the GPS or CellID location using Bicubic Interpolation. The Mercator Projection and Lambert Conical Projection were less exact that picking points for interpolation.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-04-10

AkmeMobileMaps-0.3 alpha release

I've released the first alpha version of AkmeMobileMaps for the BlackBerry. It scrolls around a map stored on your SDCard/akme/maps/ as tiled PNG files that are supplied in a separate ZIP. Currently only North America is provided and it doesn't fully link to the GPS location ... yet ... but it will soon.

Posted by Keith Mashinter 2009-04-05