
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 License-mit.txt 2011-06-12 yunnysunny [r2]
 jquery.ajaxform.js 2011-06-11 yunnysunny [r1]
 license-gpl.txt 2011-06-11 yunnysunny [r1]
 readme.txt 2011-06-20 yunnysunny [r3]

Read Me

Ajax Form is a jquery plugins, which can send the form's data or fill the form with data via ajax.
When a form has many items ,you need not to get or set its data manual,using Ajax Form instead,
it can accomplish by itself.
The project's home page is,where you can find the tutorials about Ajax Form.
If anyone has problems or suggestion , please contact with me via 
Thanks for using this software.