WHYDAH - 2013-02-13

User’s Guide

The information in this manual is not binding and may be modified without prior notice.

Burn To CD or DVD

WHYDAH distribution in ISO format. ISO file you download from our site is a complete image of the CD. To burn it properly, start your CD-writing software and find "Burn image" or "Burn CD iso image" option. Your computer can allow you to boot from the CD once (only for this time) by pressing a special key (usually F11, F2 or F10) during the memory checks (very soon after the computer's power on). Or press some key during the startup (usually Del key), which will allow you to enter BIOS SETUP. There you can go through some menus and look for "Advanced settings", "Boot order" or "Boot options". Set CDROM as a first device and harddisk as a second one.

Run from USB or HDD

Run WHYDAH from USB drive extract (unzip) the .iso directly to your USB flash key. To make WHYDAH boot from your USB device or disk: you have to manually navigate to the newly created /boot/ directory and run bootinst.sh script or bootinst.bat script. Install syslinux bootloader to your device's MBR (master boot record). Syslinux works only on FAT filesystem.

Into RAM

WHYDAH into RAM, the option to load WHYDAH into RAM results in a freakishly fast system that has almost all the functionality of a fully fledged WHYDAH install and twice the speed. Even when is loaded from a flash device or locally from your hard drive it is still very fast and around 30 seconds after pushing the power button you are ready to go. When you boot WHYDAH you may be presented with a text prompt from which you are required to login and type 'startx' to get a graphical interface. if this is the case the username/password is root/toor.

Create Module

Convert directory tree into .lzm compressed module

root@whydah:/# dir2lzm source_directory.lzm
root@whydah:/# dir2lzm --help

Coonvert .lzm compressed module back into directory tree

root@whydah:/# lzm2dir source_file.lzm existing_output_directory
root@whydah:/# lzm2dir --help

Convert Slackware's TGZ package into .lzm compressed module

root@whydah:/# tgz2lzm source_filename.tgz output_file.lzm
root@whydah:/# tgz2lzm --help

Convert Debian/Ubuntu's DEB package into .lzm compressed module

root@whydah:/# deb2lzm source_filename.deb [output_file.lzm]
root@whydah:/# deb2lzm --help


Last edit: WHYDAH 2013-02-13