
Fresh Framework / News: Recent posts

Initial Release

The 26mb of documentation is now up:

The first releases of the code should take place July 1, at the exact same time the redeveloped Fresh FM site is launched - which uses the same code!

The project needs a web designer/UI designer and a few more PHP coders, so if you are interested, drop the admin a line!

Posted by Dan 2004-06-28

Language Change

After developing the web interface for an ecommerce site for some time this project has been neglected. I recently certified in my course with Java, and since I don't know enough C++ the language with which the client development is to be done is in now Java.
This offers a lot more flexibility in things, the write once-run anywhere approach a sure hit. PHP offers very similar functionality, and as it is much QUICKER than Java tends to be the server development will still be taking place in PHP.
A JSP port of the PHP may also be provided.

Posted by Dan 2003-07-01


A brief outline of the project is posted in the documentation section.

Posted by Dan 2002-11-14


This project is still in the planning stage, a full plan will be published within a week or so. Looking for developers, if you think you may be able to help,

Posted by Dan 2002-11-13