
AGX's Asterisk Extra AddOns / News: Recent posts

checkout svn new release out

* The FAX App now works with Asterisk 1.4.42 and spandsp 0.0.6 pre18

* Valet Parking need extensive testing since its internal structure has changed and is now considered EXPERIMENTAL and can crash your production system, be carefull please. I suggest you to remove the app from your production server just to be safe.

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2011-07-07

spandsp 0.0.6 pre18

Looking for tester for spandsp 0.0.6 pre 18

Please apply this patch to the svn source:

--- app_fax.c (revisione 69)
+++ app_fax.c (copia locale)
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
t30_set_supported_modems(&(session.fax.t30), T30_SUPPORT_V29);
x = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "FAX_FORCE_V34");
if (x && x[0])
- t30_set_supported_modems(&(session.fax.t30), T30_SUPPORT_V34);
+ t30_set_supported_modems(&(session.fax.t30), T30_SUPPORT_V34HDX);... read more

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2011-06-19

binary release

for people having binary problem with spanDSP i uploaded my version of the library and my mods, carefull using this on production system different then my debian-asterisk-1.4 setup

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-10-19

urgent contact

Dear user, if you developed a PBX/FAX server based on my addons i can have some customer for you. Contact me directly its urgent.

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-10-15

new patches applied in SVN

There are new stuff in SVN version thanks to contributors:
- asterisk thread storage is used to avoid thread problem
- fixed the transmitted page number on TxFax
- fixed compilation problem with latest changes
- you can now log to file each single Rx/Tx Fax stuff using a new option

I've not tested this patches in production environment too.
If you have problem roll back.

I'll be unavailable in august, so happy vacations and c u on september :-P

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-07-29

new stuffs available in SVN

I've rearranged the source tree. Now there are 2 scripts: ./ and ./ that will allow to build the project off-site inside the "build" subdirectories so the source tree does not get clubbered with temporary or cache files.

Second the source has moved into 3 directories: app-asterisk, app-spandsp, app-zaptel (and a new app-dahdi).

So application that depends on zaptel or spandsp will not get into the way if you don't have the libraries and headers correctly installed.... read more

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-06-16

to all the mantainers of packages out there

There are many people packaging this software for many different Linux andBSD distribution.
Please send back patches to be included in the sources so that when i make some change i don't break things for your distribution.

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-04-28

asterisk support

SVN has been updated for latest asterisk including:
- app_confcall.c now compiles (still untested too)
- app_fax.c will not generate a warning in channel.c anymore

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-04-28

asterisk support

It now compiles against latest asterisk 1.4.x
instead of just 1.4.17

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-02-16

support for spandsp 0.0.6

check out the SVN version there is a couple of new features:
- "hints" support in ValetParking
- rxfax/txfax now in a single module that support spanDSP 0.0.6pre3

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2009-02-16

new SVN available

please checkout the latest svn there has been some improvement to the fax application and the addition of valetparking

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2008-06-09

release 1.4.2

- RxFax now log debug informations correctly
- RxFax logs also to /var/log/rxfax.log
- TxFax logs also to /var/log/txfax.log
- fixed a deadlock in Pickup2 with asterisk 1.4.13 - Switched to CMake compilation engine
- added func_devstate.c on request from users
- added NON-WORKING version of app_confcall.c (porting is in progress!)

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2007-11-19

release 1.4.1

In 1.4.0 TxFax and RxFax worked at maximum rate of 9600; now they try to work at full available speed.
To revert to 9600 you need to disable V.17 by setting a channel variable FAX_DISABLE_V17.

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2007-11-05

first stable release

1.4.0 is the first stable release it has been tested for 1 week onto a production server without any problem

Posted by Antonio Gallo 2007-10-31