
Aglaia project created.

Aglaia is a new, modern, general purpose programming language. The Sourceforge project for the bootstrap Aglaia compiler has been created.

Currently an alpha version of the language spec has been created, and the compiler is capable reading files specified at the command line into the (not yet working) lexer.

By the end of the day I hope to have a basic home page up for the project at I also intend to figure this CVS thing out and get the source posted in the repository.

My immediate goals for the project include: getting a very basic lexer finished (no escape codes or anything for now), and further refining the language spec. I will post a task list immediately.

Emails about the project may be sent to ylixir at Please don't hesitate to e-mail with comments, suggestions, criticism, bugs, or anything else.

Community input is requested for a decision on the initial target platform for the code generater. Currently under consideration is: Java bytecode, Windows, x86 Linux, x86 FreeBSD.

Posted by ylixir 2003-06-16

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