
AgilPro 1.5.0 available

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that the next release (0.5) of the Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) project has been finalized. The Workflow Editor (WE) of JWT has been enhanced by several features, some bugs have been fixed (see detailed release notes below) and the JWT bundle now also includes new plugins such as new views (e.g. a view of UML activity diagrams) or transformations (e.g. from JWT to XPDL). Find more information about JWT and download it on JWT currently prepares to get integrated into the yearly release train of Eclipse and will be part of Eclipse Galileo in 2009. With several new committers and support by a new mentor and more companies than before, we are looking forward to manage this important step for our project.

I am also happy to announce that we deployed the newest version of AgilPro (v1.5.0) on SourceForge. AgilPro is an implementation and integration of JWT into a RCP application. It consists of a modeling tool (AgilPro LiMo) as well as a previewer for modeled processes (AgilPro Simulator). AgilPro LiMo builds upon JWT and includes additional features such as BPEL code generation or the creation of an HTML documentation from your workflow. The AgilPro Simulator enables to preview your process without having a process engine installed. It is a desktop tool which can open existing applications on your desktop PC such as the Internet browser, Adobe PDF files, OpenOffice documents, etc. The AgilPro tools are available under GPL at

As last time, I'd like to say thanks to the whole project team for their support and assistance!

If you have any feedback or comments, please don't hesitate to publish them as a bug on the Eclipse Bugzilla (see or on SourceForge or contact us under or

Best regards,

Florian Lautenbacher

-JWT project co-lead & AgilPro development team-

Posted by Florian Lautenbacher 2008-12-08

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