
version 1.2.0 coming up soon

Hi all,

currently we are performing last tests and are going to upload a new version of AgilPro, then in version 1.2.0, soon. We are looking forward to provide you with the upcoming version in the first days of May.

The version 1.2.0 will e.g. include:

- an overview page and more wizards to create applications, roles and data (easier handling and manipulation of models)
- Export of packages and import of these templates during the creation of new models (enhances reuse)
- a role/application/data can now be referenced more than once in a process model (improves the overview)
- Guards show different texts in different views (better distinction between business view and technical view)
- Some smaller features added
- Several bugs fixed

Best regards,

the AgilPro developer team.

Posted by Florian Lautenbacher 2007-04-20

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