
Need help on Anti-grain geometry for alpha handling

  • Coconut

    Coconut - 2018-02-13


    I have a piece of code that was originally written as directly draw lines,
    fonts, polygons with anti-aliasing on an image.

    But later on, we decided to use layer approach which is the following

    1. create a layer, and draw that layer.
    2. we can have multiple layers...
    3. and then compose all the layers onto a white background image to get a
      final image.

    The problem is, because of the alpha handling (we clear each layer to
    rgba(255,255,255,0)), it effectively blends the transparency twice,
    resulting incorrect final color.

    I did a bit calculation, the alpha of the layer vs the actual color is
    something like
    newAlpha = 16 * sqrt (originalApha)

    I could change the fill color manually to achieve the result for some
    stuff, but for fonts / line drawing etc, that would not work due to the
    underlying anti-aliasing logic.

    I am wondering what is the general terminology for this problem as well as
    the agg specific way of doing it. The reason why I am asking is because
    there appears to be multiple places that could do it, but I am not sure
    which one would be the "correct" way doing it.

    Here is my current layer creation in agg:

    agg::rendering_buffer renderBuffer;
    agg::pixfmt_rgba32 pixelFormat;
    agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras;
    agg::scanline_p8 m_scanline;
    agg::renderer_base<agg::pixfmt_rgba32> rbase;
    int bufferSize = width * height * 4;
    byteBuffer = new unsigned char[m_bufferSize];
    renderBuffer.attach(byteBuffer, width, height, width * 4);
    rbase.clear (Color (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0));

    Could anyone help?


    Heng Yuan

  • Jim Barry

    Jim Barry - 2018-02-14

    If you want to do compositing, the (destination) layers need to be pixfmt_rgba32_pre. You can find a brief explanation in the version 2.2 release notes.

    By the way, rgba(1, 1, 1, 0) is not valid in premultiplied space, since each rgb component should be <= alpha.

  • Coconut

    Coconut - 2018-03-04

    Thanks a lot. I will try it out.


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