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File Date Author Commit
 agex 2009-04-28 pauloacastro [r30] agex launcher file
 README.txt 2009-04-28 pauloacastro [r31] readme file

Read Me

AgEx Project
AgEx is an open source financial market simulation tool for 
software agents. This tool allows traders launched from distinct 
computers to act in the same market. AgEx uses the JADE environment 
as communication infrastructure. It is written in Java (jdk 1.5)

AgEx Project Website

Paulo Andre Castro

Quality Release
I have used AgEx in many simulations, but I never tried it in others platforms or environments.
So, it may present bugs or some problems in setup.

Installation Requirements
AgEx uses a firebird database throught a jdbc driver, called jaybird. It also uses JADE as 
communication infrastructure. Therefore, it needs the following software installed:
Firebird 2.1 or newer.
JADE 3.4 or newer.  (It must be in the classpath in order to be found by AgEx)
JayBird 2.1 or newer. (It must be in the classpath in order to be found by AgEx)