
AFP Renderer for Apache FOP / News: Recent posts

AFP Renderer has moved!

The AFP Renderer was originally released as an add-on output renderer for Apache FOP. It has since been incubated into the core Apache FOP codebase. There is no need to download the AFP Renderer separately, all you need is the core AFP Renderer.

See for further details.

Posted by Joe Schmetzer 2015-05-28

AFP Renderer 1.1.0 Released

The AFP Renderer development team is pleased to announce the release of AFP Renderer 1.1.0. The AFP Renderer is an implementation of an output target for Apache FOP that renders formatting objects (XSL-FO) to AFP or (MO:DCA). Documents generated in the MO:DCA format are primarily used for large scale commercial printing.

This latest release can be downloaded from read more

Posted by Joe Schmetzer 2005-01-06