
Angel Food Host Site Back Office (AFBO) / News: Recent posts

Project Web Site

There is a web site available to play with the AFBO. There is still a problem with the hosting, where about 60% of the time the $_POST variables are not returned from the client browser. Tech support is working on it.

Posted by John Nash 2008-10-16

Minor Update 29 SEP 2008

A few minor irritations were fixed in this minor update to the /afbo folder. If you are a programmer familear with PHP and would like to volunteer your time, please email me.

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-29

Upcoming Changes

I have been seriously overbooked lately, but I made time between two web projects to dispatch a minor act of stupidity (mine). The dates in the period table are intended to be YYYY-MM-DD (4 digits year, a dash, 2 digits month a dash, two digits day). If you enter the month as only one digit the period selection did not work properly.

You can have this fix now if you email me at I'll zip the development /afbo folder and mail it to you. If you can wait, this fix and others will be in the next update together with the automatic e-mail functionality.... read more

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-22

Cumulative update 19 SEP 2008

There have been enough changes that I deemed it reasonable to include them all in one place for your convenience. It is to be expected that there are a few bugs yet due to the short notice and scope of the changes needed to ad the Senior Menu item on an emergency crash basis for 27 Aug 2008.

I have placed all the updates since 27 AUG 2008 into a Cumulative Update download. I have not sent a general notice this time because I feel there have been far too many update notices in that list lately -- the update mailing list is supposed to send something maybe three times a year.... read more

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-19

18 SEP 2008 Update

Thanks, and a tip of the hat to Aaron Kesterke of Abundant Life, Fort Wayne.

A bug in the PUBLIC ordering date mechanism was found by Aaron. Last September's menu was being used for new October orders. The problem was a date typed into the periods table with only a SINGLE DIGIT month: months must be entered as two digits to work right. Some code changes were made to help accomodate such a situation, but please remember to enter your dates as YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2008-09-14, not 2008-9-14. Humans can read it but computers have trouble with that <G>.... read more

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-18

Mailing Lists, Support

If you begin using AFBO, please be certain to go to and add yourself to the update mailing list. Otherwise you may not hear important information concerning bugs, fixes, and work arounds. This list is not for chit chat and you will not be able to post to it.

IF you want to discuss AFBO, please go to and add yourself to that list. You can post to it anything related to AFBO.

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-18

11 SEP 2008 Update

A minor bug in the order_summary.php file was reported by Rachel Judt of The Vineyard. The 9/11 update squashes this bug and adds separate totals for all boxes and specials. Totals were previously available only as a single aggregate total.

Install the FULL 27AUG2008 release first, then upload the order_summary.php file from the 11SEP2008 update into the /AFBO folder to replace the existing file of the same name.

Posted by John Nash 2008-09-11

Summer 2008 Full Install

A full install has been completed. This release fixes several irritations, including the d-day order date bug. I think.

Comments please e-mail

Posted by John Nash 2008-08-30

Summer 2008 Update

22AUG2008 11:49:29
JOHN NASH, admin

Friday last week I was advised that the format of the AF menus changed, adding a "Senior Box". This change required adjustment to the Angel Food Back Office (AFBO) program. This format was unforeseen in the release last year and forced me to update the software so that a person could choose a Senior Box or a Regular Box to order.

The public side of this change was completed last night and I am modifying the management back office now. I am attempting to complete this before Saturday 23Aug2008 (tomorrow) so it can be used then. It as if I might actually succeed in time.... read more

Posted by John Nash 2008-08-22