
PST Import?

  • Ewan Grantham

    Ewan Grantham - 2003-09-01

    Before I DL yet another PIM program, I'd like to find out if there's any facility in this program to import from an Outlook XP PST file? I'd really like to have ALL my information in one place.


    • Eugen C.

      Eugen C. - 2003-09-01

      For emails, there is an Outlook Express import feature.
      For calendar, there is an import from iCal format.(You should be able to export your calendar data in iCal format.)
      For contacts, it's not available now :( but the next release will import vcard data.

      It isn't able to handle PST.
      What I can do is to be able to handle the 'standard' data formats (MailBOX, ical, vcard etc).
      Since it's open source, I hope I will get help to support more (Ex: PST data).

    • Ross Jones

      Ross Jones - 2003-09-02

      Someone should use to write an importer.

      If this doesn't work I'd be glad to *try* and help with accessing Outlook with COM.

      • Eugen C.

        Eugen C. - 2003-09-02

        I will check that link, thanks.
        Sure any help is appreciated.

    • Ross Jones

      Ross Jones - 2003-09-02

      I've mangled together a .net app that allows you to get lists of folders, and EmailItems from them to get body, from, to etc. So the COM route looks do-able (although I had to disable my virus-checker).

      Will try out the ol2mbox stuff tomorrow and let you know how/if it works.

    • Ross Jones

      Ross Jones - 2003-09-03

      I stumbled across this, this evening.
      It appears to use the OLE/COM interface I was mumbling about using above.

      It already has support for Evolution (which I know nothing about) and although I know nothing about Aethera's format for storing e-mails (fingers crossed that it might be mbox) it shouldn't be too hard to make it move all the mails across to a running Aethera install.

      The only major problem at present looks to be the loss of attachments, but to be honest if you only ever keep your documents attached to emails in your inbox you deserve everything you ... oops that's me I'm talking about.

      • Ewan Grantham

        Ewan Grantham - 2003-09-04

        Dumb question, but doesn't this program require you to be running Outlook on the machine when you do the extraction? I'd be trying to convert from an actual PST file, rather than trying to run something to capture each Outlook email as I ran the program.


        • Ross Jones

          Ross Jones - 2003-09-04

          Yes, it does indeed require that you have Outlook installed.

          For one class of problem (Windows users switching to another client from Outlook) the solution is okay, because I doubt many typical end-users (and that precludes most people on sourceforge - very few of whom are typical) want to go rooting about for a .pst.

          For users wanting to switch client AND platform it's probably not the solution they want (they will probably want to use something based on ol2mbox).


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