

Eron Lloyd
  • Eron Lloyd

    Eron Lloyd - 2002-05-02

    Will the calendar plug-in be useable for the next release? Currently, it will load into memory, and you can even add events to a certain extent, but nothing gets saved on exit, and none of the changes made to the calendar preferences are restored. Also, I can't find a directory anywhere in ~/Aethera that stores the calendar data. I'm guessing that integration is still taking place.



    • Eugen C.

      Eugen C. - 2002-05-02

      Hi Eron,
      The calendar is usable, you have to open a file (or use Save As for getting a new one) and save it before closing Aethera.
      And indead there is still work to do for a better integration.

    • Eron Lloyd

      Eron Lloyd - 2002-05-02

      Ah, I see. I suggest this not be the way this is handled. When a user opens Aethera, and begins inputing info into the calendar, it should be automatically saved and reopened the next time. There shouldn't be a need to *save* the calendar after making changes; it should automatically commit these updates. In other words, create a default Calendar, and then have the ability to create additional calendars if necessary.


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