
HTML email preview

  • Steven Hatfield

    Steven Hatfield - 2001-12-27

    Aethera is starting to shape up now.. good job and keep the betas rolling! I'm using it as my day to day email client, and I can't wait to see the bugs ironed out.

    Two things that I wanted to bring up:
    1) Hitting the delete key after clicking on a message doesn't do anything. Shouldn't it delete the message?

    2) HTML email doesn't display properly. One example of this is the Slashdot newsletter.
    Thanks again, and have a Happy New Year!

    • Steven Hatfield

      Steven Hatfield - 2002-02-21

      1) Thanks for fixing the delete key! The only thing left to do is to select the next message in the list once the current message(s) are deleted. Currently (0.9.6c) the message(s) are deleted, and there is no "current" message, until you hit the up or down arrow keys or click on another message.

      2) HTML email is still not displaying properly.. but hopefully this is on the "to-fix" list.



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