
Tree [2961c2] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 deploy 2012-04-11 amaesani amaesani [9d4986] Initial commit
 doc 2012-04-11 amaesani amaesani [9d4986] Initial commit
 extra 2012-04-11 amaesani amaesani [9d4986] Initial commit
 src 2012-04-27 amaesani amaesani [2961c2] - Added CMA-ES evolutionary strategy
 README.txt 2012-04-11 amaesani amaesani [9d4986] Initial commit

Read Me


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                   The AEON Framework

        Andrea Maesani           Pradeep Ruben Fernando

                     (c) 2010-2012


This file was last updated on Apr 2, Andrea Maesani.

Compile the documentation

The documentation of the AEON framework is available in the 
doc/ folder.

Please compile the documentation using latex.
I.e. under a Linux Ubuntu distribution type

  sudo apt-get install biblatex biblatex-dw
  cd doc/src
  pdflatex --shell-escape ./main.tex

Compile the framework

CMake is required to build AEON.
Please compile and install the following libraries before continuing.

- Boost 1.47.0 (
- ZLib (
- Log4CXX (

If you are not installing the libraries in standard locations,
you can set the following environment variables to instruct
CMake where to look for the libraries.

I.e. on a Linux distribution that uses a bash shell
you can set them in the ~/.bashrc file.

export LOG4CXX_DIR=~/YOUR_PATH/log4cxx_dir
export BOOST_ROOT=~/YOUR_PATH/boost_1_47_0_dir

Once the libraries are built and installed,
you can build AEON by typing from this directory:

mkdir build-rel
cd build-rel
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src

You can also generate a project description for your favorite IDE.
For example, to generate a project for Eclipse you can type
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ../src