
Aegis Window Manager / News: Recent posts


We have purchased bugzilla hosting so we can log and begin to work on issues in a more organized manner. You can view the bugs at Feel free to create an account, and we will get you set up to file bugs.

Posted by Michael Brailsford 2008-04-24

AegisWM development resuming

AegisWM, a configurable window manager for X Windows, has picked up development again. AegisWM started life in 2004, and was eventually abandoned. The project is being reborn as a fork of the Waimea window manager (Version 0.4.0).

Development is resuming with a focus on refactoring and defect fixes to the forked Waimea codebase. The project will continue to provide the level of configurability that Waimea provided, with the longer term goal of realizing the language-agnostic scriptability that the Kahakai window manager had planned before it was, like Waimea, abandoned.... read more

Posted by brandon 2008-03-26

Request for logos, images, graphics for Aegis.

I cannot draw worth crap, so I have to rely on the artistic abilities of others. Aegis needs some candidates for logos, and just graphics in general. Anything from custom Aegis backgrounds, to web site look and feel, to an Aegis logo is welcome. Please submit your work to with a link to your image/images.


Posted by Michael Brailsford 2004-06-15