
Larger Window size by default at first startup would be nice

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-01-06

    The following menue items are "hidden" because I have to scroll down to it or manually resize the Window to see them.
    In "Private identity" there are "Show a completion MessageBox" and "Every" { Time } and in "System" it is "Encrypt all settings using AES"
    In the AdvOR.ini it is WindowPos=0,1280,1024,336,187,944,809,0 but better is WindowPos=0,1280,1024,336,8,944,809,0
    And it would be very nice to have the "Select an Exit Node" window larger or at least the possibility to make it myself.

  • Vektor

    Vektor - 2014-01-08

    The following menue items are "hidden" because I have to scroll down to it or manually resize the Window to see them.

    No matter how large is the window at startup, the more features are added, the more you'll have to scroll (unless a new page is created where some of them are moved). You can always find a list with all supported features in Help\AdvOR.html .

    And it would be very nice to have the "Select an Exit Node" window larger or at least the possibility to make it myself.

    This is a good idea and it will be implemented in the first version that will show more than 4 columns with information about exit nodes.