
Create New Form

  • Michael Freed

    Michael Freed - 2019-12-09

    I admit I am rather new to VS 2019 but I am finding my way. So this might be a very simple question.

    How do you make a new Form?
    So far the project opens and defaults to MainForm.vb and Page2.vb. I havn't been able to make new forms. Right clicking on the AdvancedHMI Project allows me to: Add->Windows Form->Add New Item - AdvancedHMI window. In the Add New Item - Advanced HMI window there is no option for a Form Item. I suspect that there is some setting somewhere that I need to enable, but so far I havn't found it. Thank You.

  • Michael Freed

    Michael Freed - 2019-12-10

    Problem solved. You need to install the correct "Workload" in Viual Studio. I was missing Universal Windows Platform development.


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