Activity for Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #5

    Operational Error trying to connect to an SLQ Server DB

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #5

    Glad you found the problem. Yes, pywin32 is required if you are running CPython. I did not check for pywin32 at import time in this version of adodbapi in order to support Iron Python, which cannot call it. I will have to drop support for Iron Python now, since Python 2 is deprecated in the pywin32 project. So this sourceforge project will become the Iron Python fork, while continued development of adodbapi will take place within the pywin32 repo.

  • Giuseppe Cattaneo Giuseppe Cattaneo posted a comment on ticket #5

    SOLVED I did not have pywin32 installed (I found nowhere that I have to install it). After installing it, all work fine.

  • Giuseppe Cattaneo Giuseppe Cattaneo posted a comment on ticket #5

    I've just tried using IDLE instead of Visual studio code and this is what I get after I run the connection command: >>> conn = adodbapi.connect(conn_string) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\cattaneo.DOMAIN1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 97, in make_COM_connecter c = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection') #connect _after_ CoIninialize v2.1.1 adamvan NameError: name 'Dispatch' is not defined During handling of the above exception, another...

  • Giuseppe Cattaneo Giuseppe Cattaneo created ticket #5

    Operational Error trying to connect to an SLQ Server DB

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [0ba7d6]

    make hg repo match git repo

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [ceef50]

    remove obselete files & fix line endings

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [250ebd]

    Unknown column names should raise AttributeError

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #28

    Named parameters fail if the sql ends on a parameter

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #28

    Fixed in adodbapi 2.6.2. Thanks for reporting and analyzing this.

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on a wiki page

    NOTICE: as of today, 25 November 2019, this (SourceForge mercurial) repo is no longer the definitive source for adodbapi. The source from here has been cloned to github mhammond/pywin32 ./adodbapi subfolder. An hg push from that git directory caused basically every .py file in the source to appear to have every line changed, because the end-of-line changed. Sorry. It seemed like a small price to pay. The pypi package was uploaded from that version, which should also be done in the future, for IronPython...

  • Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO released /adodbapi/2.6.0/

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [9ab6da]

    new version based from pywin32/adodbapi

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #28

    Thank you for reporting this. I am in the process of moving the master copy of the source code a sub-directory of pywin32 so that it will not get lost when deploying there. A different version of your suggested fix has been implemented there. I used a try - except block, because, in Python, the "it's easier to get forgiveness that permission" technique saves testing for an error which will usually not happen. The resulting code is easier to read and usually runs faster. I will try to move a copy...

  • John Clymer John Clymer created ticket #28

    Named parameters fail if the sql ends on a parameter

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #23

    This also happens if the procedure doesn't exist in the current database.

  • Laurens Laurens created ticket #4

    How to set up tests

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    I don't have permission to modify the status of my own bug report, it seems, but if I did I would close this ticket and withdraw the accompanying patches. For more information see and

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [fd4f93]

    merged stop_memory_leak

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [9e90fa]

    use weakref to stop memory leak

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole committed [38e4ce]

    preserve work for version drop

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #27

    I will look at pulling your patches in very soon. My old test setup evaporated and I'm building a replacement. On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 10:25 AM, Bob Kline wrote: (Having a conversation with myself, it seems). :-) And I believe the patch also addresses adodbapi/bugs/17/ [bugs:#27] Empty string replaced with single space on insert* Status: open Group: v1.0_(example) Created: Thu Feb 01, 2018 02:08 PM...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline modified a comment on ticket #27

    Here's a second patch which addresses the problem in a more general way, hopefully closer to something which could actually be applied to the repository (perhaps with some added comments). Basically, it applies the logic for trying to use ADO's existing parameter list for all calls to _buildADOparameterList(), not just for stored procedures. The original version had a comment "needed only if we are calling a stored procedure" but not explaining why that would be true. Given the incorrect behavior...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline modified a comment on ticket #27

    (Having a conversation with myself, it seems). :-) And I believe the patch also addresses [EDIT: no, the patch isn't that good :-) The datetime precision bug will still need some digging.]

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    (Having a conversation with myself, it seems). :-) And I believe the patch also addresses

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    This patch appears to fix another bug I hadn't gotten around to reporting. Without the patch: >>> cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE #foo (i INT, t NTEXT NULL)") >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO #foo VALUES(?, ?)", (42, None)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 885, in execute self._execute_command() File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 697, in _execute_command self._raiseCursorError(klass,...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    Here's a second patch which addresses the problem in a more general way, hopefully closer to something which could actually be applied to the repository (perhaps with some added comments). Basically, it applies the logic for trying to use ADO's existing parameter list for all calls to _buildADOparameterList(), not just for stored procedures. The original version had a comment "needed only if we are calling a stored procedure" but not explaining why that would be true. Given the incorrect behavior...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    Here is a patch which demonstrates that it is possible to get the right behavior from ADO/DB. Note that this is not a full-blown solution (the patch only addresses one non-sproc path and hasn't been through regression testing), but it might point the work on this ticket in the right direction. Feedback? >>> from cdrapi import db >>> cursor = db.connect().cursor() >>> cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE #foo (s ntext)") >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO #foo VALUES(?)", ("",)) >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline created ticket #27

    Empty string replaced with single space on insert

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #17

    The bug persists in, but only under Python 2.x. Using Python 3.x there appears to be a different bug, because sub-second precision is discarded when retrieving values from the database. Any plans for correcting these defects at some point in the (one hopes) not-too-distant future? Are patches accepted? If so, I'll look into whether it would be feasible to contribute to the fix(es).

  • Edmont Florent Edmont Florent posted a comment on ticket #9

    Was it fixed just for Sql Server ? Because I had the same problem with adodbapi v2.6.0.7 and this post made my day !

  • Fabrizio Lovison Fabrizio Lovison created ticket #26

    Call remote with Pyro >= 4.46

  • Max Slimmer Max Slimmer created ticket #25

    Setting autocommit = False does not BeginTrans

  • Egor Egor created ticket #3

    How to connect to OLEDB in Python 3.5

  • George George created ticket #2


  • Vernon Cole committed [9ff6df]

    bump version

  • Vernon Cole committed [fe5677]

    Stefan Fuchs patch: support WINCCOLEDBProvider

  • Vernon Cole committed [1fc10c]

    document .timeout connection attribute

  • Vernon Cole committed [a7815c]

    fix is64bit on Linux

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #24

    Sorry you were having trouble. Is there a way that the error message could have been...

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #24

    Oops - my mistake. I've just noticed that the problem was with another field which...

  • George George created ticket #24

    Error with NULL integer fields

  • Vernon Cole committed [54eeba]

    fix transaction counter bug (Jure Erznožnik)

  • Vernon Cole committed [624cfc]

    Automated merge

  • Vernon Cole committed [3897fc]

    xls write using data types

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #23

    Sorry, forgot to add that this was in MS SQL Server

  • George George created ticket #23

    Invalid error without permissions to SQL Server Procedure

  • Vernon on win81 committed [063b30]

    missed a comma

  • Vernon Cole committed [d05830]

    sql test db on win81

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #22

    Crash executing Procedure

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #22

    Thank you. My SQL server was not available, so I tested without it. I have never...

  • Vernon Cole committed [0c2bde]

    fix extra parameter in proc call

  • George George created ticket #22

    Crash executing Procedure

  • Stephen Anderson Stephen Anderson created ticket #21

    Queried timestamps truncated at 3 decimal places

  • Vernon Cole committed [134f54]

    tests with MySQL and PostgreSQL working

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #19

    Crash with Keyword Parameters

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #19

    Thank you. I have refactored this area.

  • Vernon Cole committed [105fa3]

    bug fix #18 and #20

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #18

    I have added code to try introspecting the object itself when the type of the object...

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #18

    Problems with Non-Str-Strings

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #20

    Index out of Range Error in changeNamedToQmark

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #20

    Doh! I must have been tired that day. I fixed it using "easier to get forgiveness...

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #20

    If you change the test on line 674 so that the parameter and field are reversed as:...

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole modified ticket #10

    Incorrect error message / IndexError creating error message

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #10

    Fixed and tested before version

  • Vernon Cole Vernon Cole posted a comment on ticket #20

    Dear George: I cannot figure out how to write a regression test for this fix. Would...

  • George George created ticket #8

    Use of Win32Com Cache

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #19

    The trace related to this is: File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\",...

  • George George created ticket #20

    Index out of Range Error in changeNamedToQmark

  • George George created ticket #19

    Crash with Keyword Parameters

  • George George created ticket #18

    Problems with Non-Str-Strings

  • George George posted a comment on ticket #17

    If this resulted in a "Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current...

  • Stephen Anderson Stephen Anderson created ticket #17

    DateTime objects with milliseconds break

  • Vernon Cole committed [c80b33]

    correct pypi download

  • Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO released /older_whatsnew.txt

  • Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO released /adodbapi/2.6.0/

  • Vernon Cole committed [ec0bc1]

    update whatsnew

  • Vernon Cole committed [e438e9]

    document 'pyformat' and 'dynamic' paramstyles

  • Vernon Cole committed [6522fe]

    bump version strings, remove pdf from hg

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [a2597e]

    bump version number

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [86f15b]


  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [6e89ee]

    pyformat paramstyle tested

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [6b2a65]

    correct python3 import

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [90d7a1]

    rebuild parameters list for prepared, too

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [a58812]

    more efficient 'named' conversion

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [356a3d]

    add pyformat paramstyle

  • Vernon Cole committed [eda2f5]

    prettier status message

  • Vernon Cole committed [b17f1f]

    reuse of remote connection raises correct error

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [df0b09]

    fix two ironPython bugs

  • Vernon Cole committed [2d6bac]

    more sure parameter setup for .prepare()

  • Vernon Cole committed [012b06]

    postgres parameters dont have names

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [3f3eb4]

    update documentation

  • Vernon Cole committed [f73ade]

    define .prepare() for remote

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [8fca62]

    cursor.prepare() method implemented

  • Vernon Cole committed [4c20ae]

    improve formatting of quick reference

  • Vernon Cole committed [e7d339]

    better error message for bad format connection ...

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [9d8c88]

    remove debug lines

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [44422e]

    autocommit tests fixed

  • Vernon (on vPad-w8) < committed [c45175]

    accept datetime input for PythonTime, too

  • Vernon Cole committed [df46ec]

    correct an always passing test

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