
adodb-xmlschema / News: Recent posts

AXMLS Documentation Online

As of AXMLS v1.0.1, the AXMLS documentation is now available online at

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2004-03-02

AXMLS Release 1.0.1

Hot of the tail of 1.0, we've folded in a couple of tidbits for a 1.0.1 release. The main reason for the quick 1.0.1 release is to remove the PHP-XSLT requirement added by version 1.0. PHP-XSLT is now optional, and only required for the (as yet) little-used schema transformation utilities. Along the way we've added inline schema execution and a new tutorial: Using AXMLS.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2004-02-20

adodb-xmlschema (axmls) Release 1.0!

The focus of the 1.0 release is modularity, ease of use, and documentation. Dan has done an excellent job making the code more flexible, both to you, the user, and to us, the developers, while Rich has created much inline documentation, an improved tutorial, and some real autodocs. In addition, 1.0 sports better handling of indexes, the ability to extract a schema from a live database, and can now print and save the SQL generated from a parsed schema.... read more

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2004-02-13

Welcome Dan Ceche

axmls welcomes Dan Ceche of phpwerx to the development team. Dan brings strong OO experience to the project, as well as excellent coding and very good ideas. So far, Dan has helped re-architect axmls to make it more modular, cleaner, and more robust. He's submitted some excellent work and we're glad to have him aboard.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2004-02-06

ADODB 3.70 Released with adodb-xmlschema 0.0.2

The 0.0.2 version of adodb-xmlschema has been included in PHP Everywhere's latest ADOdb release, 3.70. ADOdb is a killer database abstraction library for PHP. Learn more at

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2003-07-30

Bug Fix Release: has been released to fix a critical bug in adodb-xmlschema 0.0.2.

Symptoms: The schema parser generates the following error: Call to a member function on a non-object in on line 227

If you encounter this error, please download the fixed version,, from the adodb-xmlschema sourceforge page and unpack it in your main ADODB directory.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2003-07-30

adodb-xmlschema (axmls) 0.0.2

Need to upgrade your app's database? axmls can now upgrade an existing database to match a provided XML schema. This has been tested on MySQL, and gives you an easy way to upgrade your application's database.

Coexisting databases? You can now specify a prefix that will be prepended to each table as axmls creates it. Indexes are automatically adjusted to reference the prefixed table names.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2003-07-14

adodb-xmlschema Accepted into ADODB

PHP Everywhere's newest release of the portable ADODB Database Library includes our adodb-xmlschema classes.

ADODB is a platform-independent PHP libary for creating portable database applications. adodb-xmlschema, a set of PHP classes that can quickly build a database schema on any ADODB-supported database, is now packaged as part of the ADODB application. ADODB 3.50 (with adodb-xmlschema) can be downloaded

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2003-05-23