
adiss / News: Recent posts

ADISS 1.1 released

This release incorporates a couple of minor bug fixes as well as some new functionality. ADISS now has the ability to define a read-only group in addition to the existing read-write group on a per project/repository basis.

Posted by Mike Seigafuse 2006-11-28

ADISS 1.0 released

This release adds some additional features such as search capabilities to add in entering LDAP filters, as well as repository tracking and ability to edit pre and post commit hook scripts.

Posted by Mike Seigafuse 2006-10-12

0.91 release posted

ADISS 0.91 file release has been posted. This release contains bug fixes for issues documented in the help forum.

Posted by Mike Seigafuse 2006-04-10

ADISS - Initial public release

ADISS stands for Active Directory Interface for Subversion Security. Using ADISS you can automate the maintenance of Subversion AuthzSVNAccess files based off of membership in AD groups.

Posted by Mike Seigafuse 2006-04-06