

Alex Libov

Welcome to the AdFlow Wiki!

AdFlow is a framework for simulating ad dissemination over P2P overlay.


The program receives a single argument - the file name of the [experiment description XML]


All the output is stored in a directory named as the experiment name in the [experiment description XML]
The following files are created in that directory when the experiment is over:


a tsv (tab separated values) file with the following columns
1. number of advertisement.
2. average reach coefficient (averaged over the number of runs specified is the [experiment description XML] ) - the portion of target nodes receiving the advertisement out of all target nodes.
3. reach time - the average time it took to get the reach (delivery time of last message)
4. adsSent - average (over runs) number of ADM messages sent for this advertisement.
5. refPay - average paymemt for referring nodes.
6. averageDissLength - average dissemination length of ADMs


an main.LogAnalyzer.LogAnalyzerData object serialized to a file. Can be read by de-serializing.


A tsv file holding payment data per uptime mean.
1. mean - the portion of the time a node was up.
2. referralPay - the average amount of payment nodes with such mean received
3. pay/ad - the average amount of payment per ad nodes with such mean received
4. adsSent- the average amount of ads nodes with such mean sent
5. means - the amount of nodes there were with such mean


A tsv file holding payment data per node.
1. id - the id of the node.
2. referralPay - the average amount of payment the node received
3. pay/ad - the average amount of payment per ad the node received
4. adsSent- the average amount of ads the node sent
5. mean - the average uptime mean of the node
6. downround - the average downround of the node.
7. order - sum of all orders the node was when the node participated in dissemination.


A tsv file holding referral payment data per order in dissemination.
1. order - the order of the node in the dissemination.
2. referralPay - the average amount of payment nodes with such order received
3. pay/ad - the average amount of payment per ad nodes with such order received
4. adsSent- the average amount of ads nodes with such order sent


A tsv file holding total income payments data per node.

[How to compile]
[Structure of AdFlow]

Project Admins:


Wiki: How to compile
Wiki: Structure of AdFlow
Wiki: experiment description XML