Activity for adevs

  • smiz smiz committed [r410] on Code

    Added arguments to sri example for population and random seed

  • smiz smiz committed [r409] on Code

    Added spline to compiled library to avoid duplicate function definitions

  • smiz smiz committed [r408] on Code

    Fixed grammar and spelling errors in the API comments.

  • smiz smiz committed [r407] on Code

    Added fast interpolator to fmi event test case

  • smiz smiz committed [r406] on Code

    Event location with interpolation reports interpolated solution at the event instead of computing a new solution with the ode solver

  • smiz smiz committed [r405] on Code

    Added option to use spline to interpolate rather than invoking the ODE solver at each iteration of the fast event finding algorithm

  • smiz smiz committed [r404] on Code

    Added new bisection event locator that avoids creeping up on an event

  • smiz smiz committed [r403] on Code

    Fixed error in the trap truncation error estimate

  • smiz smiz committed [r402] on Code

    Working example of harmonic compensator with Modelica circuit and control and timed or state events for switching

  • smiz smiz committed [r401] on Code

    New error control for trap uses Euler starting guess. Avoids extra implicit solutions to get error estimate.

  • smiz smiz committed [r400] on Code

    Reduced number of derivative function calls in trap by reusing calculations across step calls. Fixed jacobian calculation in FMI so that it works column by column and does not (appear) to cause open modelica FMIs to crash.

  • smiz smiz committed [r399] on Code

    Added option for no jacobian to FMI. Fixed error estimate in trap. First cut at modelica FMI implementation of harmonic compensator.

  • smiz smiz committed [r398] on Code

    Euler start for trap. Fixed up test cases for fmi and ode.

  • smiz smiz committed [r397] on Code

    Trap integrator works with KINSOL.

  • smiz smiz committed [r396] on Code

    Working towards kinsol nonlinear solver for trap method. Compiles. Doesn't run yet

  • smiz smiz committed [r395] on Code

    Step size adapts to ensure newton convergence in trap method

  • smiz smiz committed [r394] on Code

    Added test for existance of jacobian to trap

  • smiz smiz committed [r393] on Code

    Fixed memory leak in the trapezoidal integrator

  • smiz smiz committed [r392] on Code

    Added variable step size for error control to the trapezoidal integrator

  • smiz smiz committed [r391] on Code

    Added fixed trapezoidal integrator and support for calculating jacobians from FMI directional derivatives.

  • smiz smiz committed [r390] on Code

    Initial active list passed to simulator can contain coupled and atomic models

  • smiz smiz committed [r389] on Code

    Added example of harmonic conpensation using an inverter

  • smiz smiz committed [r388] on Code

    Documentation update

  • smiz smiz committed [r387]

    Code cleanup to enable a clean compile with clang++

  • smiz smiz committed [r386]

    Fixed a misleading comment in the example

  • smiz smiz committed [r385]

    Simplified the circuit example by removing some extraneous functionality

  • smiz smiz committed [r384]

    Added some notes to the glife example and changed it to use the integers for time

  • smiz smiz committed [r383]

    Added a fast constructor that can operate directly on a list of atomic components supplied by the modeler.

  • smiz smiz committed [r382]

    Update links in web landing page

  • adevs adevs released /

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.2.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.1.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.0.3.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-0.11.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.0.4.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.0.5.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.0.2.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-2.0.1.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.4.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.3.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.3.3.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.3.4.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.2.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.0.5.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.1.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.0.6.tar.gz

  • adevs adevs released /Very Old Releases/adevs-1.0.4.tar.gz

  • smiz smiz committed [r381]

    Documentation cleanup, code cleanup, project cleanup

  • smiz smiz committed [r380]

    Corrected error in FMI postStep that set the time incorrectly.

  • smiz smiz committed [r379]

    Corrected used of Fmi2SetTime outside of continuous block. Working on correct use of state event indicators in Fmi examples as the relation of event number and event of interest are not fixed until compile time.

  • smiz smiz committed [r378]

    Added RK2 inspired integrator

  • smiz smiz committed [r377]

    Updates fmi features to build with the new omc compiler. The robotic arm examples are broken now, and I have no idea why.

  • smiz smiz committed [r376]

    Automated pass/fail check for ode confluent test by adding assertions

  • smiz smiz committed [r375]

    Added a 2D CA example

  • smiz smiz committed [r374]

    Added missing template argument to route method for CellSpace

  • smiz smiz committed [r373]

    Small improvement to ca model. Some code cleanup for des model

  • smiz smiz committed [r372]

    Fixed a silly error that had comparison with E inside the call to calculate energy rather than outside

  • smiz smiz committed [r371]

    Fixed DES model to ensure confluent transitions were handled correctly

  • smiz smiz committed [r370]

    Working DES model.

  • smiz smiz committed [r369]

    Correct(?) CA model. DES needs work.

  • smiz smiz committed [r368]

    First cut at a model of grain growth in materials

  • smiz smiz committed [r367]

    Improved support for super dense time. The simulator now checks for injecting events in the past. To facilitate using super dense time, the simulator calls that change the model state return the time at which that state is valid. Input can be injected at this time up to and including the time of next event. The first field of super dense time is now a template argument. Updated test cases and examples to reflect this; new test cases test the return type for the state changing calls to the sim...

  • smiz smiz committed [r366]

    Forgot the new test case for the inputListener method!

  • smiz smiz committed [r365]

    Added a inputListener method to the EventListener, plus test cases.

  • smiz smiz committed [r364]

    Added an example of an asynchronous automaton

  • smiz smiz posted a comment on a wiki page

    Thanks for your interest. At one time, I maintained a git repository for this project, but you are right that it hasn't been updated in a long time. For what it might be worth, this will create a new git repository from the subversion one. git svn clone adevs-code From there, you can use git svn fetch to get fetch updates from the svn repository into your git repository. I used to have the synchronization with github working automatically, but that appears...

  • Lee Van Dyke Lee Van Dyke posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi, I've started porting this to Fedora 31 and would like hand-holding as to host on github. Don't know svn and barely know git. Your git page looks inactive as the last update shows 2015? Thanks in advance, Lee

  • smiz smiz committed [r363]

    Code cleanup. Fixed up some documentation, fixed some compiler warnings, and got rid of code that isn't maintained anymore

  • smiz smiz posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Michael, bdevs is intended to be a simpler, friendlier version of adevs. It is stable enough to use (I'm using it in a project now) but doesn't yet support continuous systems like adevs does. My plan is to continue development of bdevs and maintain adevs as needed. If you decide to use bdevs, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for your interest! Jim On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 3:51 PM Michael O'Keefe wrote: Hi Jim, Curious if you could speak to bdevs...

  • Michael O'Keefe Michael O'Keefe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Jim, Curious if you could speak to bdevs which I also found on SourceForge from you. At this point, would you still recommend sticking with adevs for doing PDEVS simulations? Or is bdevs at a stable point? Thank you and thank you for sharing adevs with the world. Sincerely, Michael

  • smiz smiz committed [r362]

    Code cleanup

  • smiz smiz committed [r361]

    Added an example of a time managed qemu simulation with gpu passthrough

  • smiz smiz committed [r360]

    Code cleanup

  • smiz smiz committed [r359]

    Updated support for interacting with QEMU via shared memory

  • smiz smiz posted a comment on discussion Help

    The code at is a stable snapshot of the development code that is in the source forge repository. The snapshots that get put onto source forge often lag the ones at, mostly because I'll forget to put up the second post to source forge. I'd recommend either using the code from the site or the code at the head of the repository. Jim On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 3:22 PM, bergtwvd wrote: What is the difference...

  • bergtwvd bergtwvd posted a comment on discussion Help

    What is the difference with the ADEVS code on the site ? From there I downloaded adevs-3.3, which appears more recent than this repository.

  • smiz smiz committed [r358]

    Fixed some foolishness with the misuse of a conditional

  • smiz smiz committed [r357]

    Fixed problem with write blocking on attempt to send device data to qemu

  • smiz smiz committed [r356]

    Added option to delay start of the emulator in simulation time

  • smiz smiz committed [r355]

    Removed broken multi scheduler. Fixed build for java by removing openmp arguments to compiler

  • smiz smiz committed [r354]

    Changed qemu options to work with 2.11

  • smiz smiz committed [r353]

    Update for new qemu patches

  • smiz smiz committed [r352]

    Removed check for self influencing models.

  • smiz smiz committed [r351]

    Fixed problem in which Mealy model had delta_conf called instead of delta_ext when it received input but was not imminent

  • smiz smiz committed [r350]

    Added float as valid option for time

  • smiz smiz committed [r349]

    Added an example of an activity scanning framework that will be described in the upcoming book Model Engineering for Simulation

  • adevs adevs released /

  • smiz smiz committed [r348]

    Placed call to model_transition after reporting...

  • smiz smiz committed [r347]

    Removed needless write thread for sending data ...

  • smiz smiz committed [r346]

    Code cleanup to fix problems with building on W...

  • smiz smiz committed [r345]

    Removed conservative discrete event simulator (...

  • smiz smiz committed [r344]

    Removed unncessary threading from qemu_rpc and ...

  • smiz smiz committed [r343]

    Updates to follow qemu capability in main branch

  • smiz smiz committed [r342]

    Removed critical section from MultiSchedule and...

  • smiz smiz committed [r341]

    Implements a cut down version of parallel DEVS ...

  • smiz smiz committed [r340]

    Added parallel computation of state transition ...

  • smiz smiz committed [r339]

    Removed old parallel code for conservative simu...

  • smiz smiz committed [r338]

    First attempt to replace existing parallel code...

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