
How to map accounting transactions in fact_acct

  • Rizwan Anwar

    Rizwan Anwar - 2014-09-26

    Dear All,

    How we can map accounting transactions in fact_acct table for a particular document number(document# of invoice_vendor, invoice_customer, GL_Journal etc)?

    When we post a document with, system save a separate ID#(c_invoice_id, gl_journal_id etc) in the relevant table and the same # is also save in fact_acct.record_id with both debit credict transaction. But there we don't find reference of document# with these accounting transactions.

    How we can map?


    Rizwan Anwar

  • Rizwan Anwar

    Rizwan Anwar - 2014-09-27

    Sorry I have post my question in a wrong forum and don't know how to edict the forum . . . .


    ADAXA - 2014-09-28

    Hi Rizwan,
    Can you please explain more if I have misunderstood your question,

    the factacct records contains the table, record id and line id which maps directly to (say) c_invoice table, c_invoice_id and, where appropriate, c_invoiceline_id.

    it also contains the fact_acct_id which will get you to the 'accounting fact details' window at the correct record and lets you click on the 'record id' button to get to the underlying document.


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