
Importing data from spreadsheet applications or files

Importing data into Adele


There are different ways to get data into Adele. Without a special server and the corresponding connector the data can be imported via the clipboard or as text file in the tab separated format.

Import from spreadsheet applications

Common spreadsheet applications like MS Excel or OpenOffice/LibreOffice can export their data by the copy to clipboard method.

Adele can import this data with the import from clipboard method. This can be found in the menu or as special toolbar button.

After using the import a popup will appear where the detected columns will be shown. You can confirm or modify the preconfigurations here. Don't forget the change the description to a "self-speaking" value.

You can switch the detected types or descriptions here. Often ID values will be detected as integer values. This could be wrong. In these cases you can classify the columns as text type.

Import data from text files

If you have have your data as a tab separated text file you can import the file with the import from file method. The same popup as in the clipboard method will appear. The further steps are the same as before.

Import data from other file and clipboard formats will be supported by plugins in future releases. At the moment there is a special method for the SAP clipboard format (export data from SAP ALV Grid via export to clipboard) available.

After import

If your import is finished successfully you will find the data as a addtional node at the left area of Adele. Doubleclick at the new node and you will get a substructure for all columns separated by the data type. For all nodes you will find a special context menu. Additionally the toolbar menu is context sensitive and will react on the node focused.

Tipps and Tricks

Another interesting thing from the import wizard is the anonymization engine. All classified text columns can be mapped in anonymized values (e.g. "1234" --> "product1000"). There is a feature available in the expert menu to see the mapping after the import.


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