

Download and Installation

You can download the latest Adele version from the files section of these sourceforge project site. At the moment there are no special installation routine available. After downloading the zip archive extract the files and copy the including content to a place you want.

The archive includes a plattform independent executable jar file. You can start it with a double click at the most desktop operating systems (MacOS, Windows, Linux).


There are no special configuration options at the moment. Except of the option to increase the available memory. If you want to use Adele for big data you have to give the program more memory.

Like other java programs you can start the jar file from the command line: >java -Xmx1024m -jar adele.jar. The option -Xmx1024m makes 1024 MBytes memory available to the memory. Try some other values to get the max available memory in your system.

If you want to run the jar file without command line window you can create a link or shell file depending on your os. For windows you can create a link and change the "target" in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -Xmx1024m -jar adele.jar". Don't forget to set the right path to find the jar file. Within link properties you can change the icon too.


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