

Johan Luisier

This project allows to create AD&D 2nd edition character sheets. The players' traits, skills and spells are stored in XML files, which can then be read back again, modified (as player earns XP) and written as LaTeX output.

Most of the wizard's and priest's spells up to level 6 are present. All weapons described in the Player's Handbook, Skills & Powers and Combat & Tactics are also included. At the moment it is not possible to actually acquire any mastery level (expertise, specialisation and mastery), but implementation is on the way

The project was developed on Linux (32 and 64 bits), and could be compiled on Mac OS. A GNU compiler can in principle be used on Windows to produce Windows binaries... I never tried and won't.

Requires boost libraries (with dev version), Qt (and dev) libraries, automake, LaTeX and python.

Link to Wiki [Main Page] (in french).
Tested compilers
32 bits

  • gcc 4.4.3
  • gcc 4.5.1

64 bits

  • gcc 4.4.3
  • gcc 4.6.1
  • gcc 4.7.2
  • clang 3.2