
AdaptIt / News: Recent posts

Adaptit 0.2.31 released

This new release fixes several stability issues. Those issues occur upon high load or specific TCP conditions (small windows e.g.). We encourage all users to migrate to it.

Posted by BrimarX 2007-10-04

Adaptit 0.2.28 released

This minor release provides a small improvment: optional packet reassembly (see adaptit.icap.buffer.reassembly property in to prevent TCP/IP fragmentation. This fragmenaty appeared as a side-effect of SocketChannel.write-ByteBuffer[]) bug workaround.

Posted by BrimarX 2007-06-25

Adaptit 0.2.27 released

This release is a maintenance release fixing delivery issues and providing workaround to various JDK 1.4/1.5/1.6 memory issues.

Many thanks to Joan De Oliveira for its huge contribution to this release.

Posted by BrimarX 2007-06-05

AdaptIt 0.2.26 released

This version fixes a scripting issue and an invalid configuration parameter causing AdaptIt startup to fail when using the default startup script and configuration.

Posted by BrimarX 2007-01-10

AdaptIt 0.2.25 released

This version fixed a regression in 0.2.24. Version 0.2.26 should follow in a very short time to fix scripting issues as well.

Posted by BrimarX 2007-01-10

AdaptIt 0.2.24 released

This latest release fix an annoying bug (IcapService.destroy() wasn't called) and adds an experimental ByteBuffer pooling mechanism.

See changelog for more.

Posted by BrimarX 2006-11-23

AdaptIt published

Two years ago I was involved in presales discussions about building ICAP services for a large french company. We eventualy won the deal 1 year later and had to find some ICAP server to build services on. At that time ICAP servers were few and none fit our requirements (and this situation did not change for what I know).

At the same time I had a few spare time and wanted to try out the new Java NIO features. And guess what? I decided to build some open-source ICAP server based on NIO mechanisms.... read more

Posted by BrimarX 2006-10-30