
Activa 1.3 Release

Release 1.3 add support for predictive dialers activating the flag LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_PREDICTIVEDIAL on lineCallParams.
Predictive calls make an inverted originate creating firstly the outgoing channel and, if it's created successfully, the call is redirected to an extension or a queue.
In addition, this release has indications of call progress (busy numbers, wrong numbers, no answers) and has fixed some bugs about transfer calls and others.
See Readme for 1.3: and ActivaTSP FAQ:

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, CAPI, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it.

The Activa Team

Posted by qcondor 2007-03-12

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