
Activa for Asterisk / News: Recent posts

Activa for Asterisk: New release 13.0.0

  • New: Asterisk 13 support. (dialbegin event)
  • New: Optimize Local Channels on Asterisk 13 to improve Asterisk performance.
Posted by activatsp 2018-01-09

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.8.14

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...
This is a maintenance release:
# New: Registry configuration for set callerid prefix (CallidPrefix), it allows multiple activa on different machines without callid collision
# Fix: registry handler leak Change: Performance optimizations, async traces.
# Change: Get traces configuration in RealTime.
# Feature: Add privatedata (SIPCALLID, UNIQUEID, SOURCEUNIQUEID) to call events
# Fix: Event (dial / newstate / newcallerid) order can cause problems. On asterisk 1.8 get callidName from connected callidName

Posted by activatsp 2017-02-28

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.4.8

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...

This is a maintenance release:

# Fix: activaTSP returns correct cause if callid is changed by Asterisk dialplan.
# Fix: All originate channels have called context - ID: 2761802.
# Fix: Move unhandled event traces to debug (trace0) tracing level.
# New: ActivaTSP installer now can update old activaTSP versions.
# New: Configurable number of log files and log files size using registry parameters maxLogFiles and logFileSize.
FIX: (fixed in build 1019) AV in originateResponse event.... read more

Posted by activatsp 2009-05-19

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.4.7

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...

This is a maintenance release:

# FIX: OriginateFailure / OriginateResponse event (#2151081 Originate timeout isn't handled properly).
# FIX: MakeCall use Outgoing context as Calling context. ... read more

Posted by activatsp 2008-12-10

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.4.6

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...

This is a maintenance release:

* ADD: define log file path in registry logToFilePath key.
* ADD: registerActivaTSP.exe /config to show configuration dialog.
* ADD: registerActivaTSP.exe /install /config to install and after show the configuration dialog.
* ADD: Windows Start Menu activaTSP shortcut to config dialog.
* CHANGE: trace format.
* CHANGE: DumpMaps to trace0.
* CHANGE: default log file path equal than install path.
* FIX: avoid a possible reregistration and duplication of ActivaTSP TAPI driver.
* FIX: avoid memory leak when the phone is "user-busy" and any other state that no Create an entry in the CSTA callmap
* FIX: reduce probability of CPU 100% usage in linkdown scene when there are pending InvokeID.
* FIX: Dead Lock when events and make predictive call runs concurrently.... read more

Posted by activatsp 2008-03-19

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.4.5

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...

This is a maintenance release:

* NEW: registerActivaTSP.exe /installsilently, register ActivaTSP without human intraction.
* CHANGE: ActivaTSP close the AMI socket when all lines are closed.
* UPDATE: doxyfile configuration for doxygen.
* FIX: activaTSP uninstallation process to remove items windows unistall list.
* FIX: access violation in expresion generator when activaTSP shutdown... read more

Posted by activatsp 2008-02-19

Activa for Asterisk: New release 1.4.4

Activa brings the Asterisk IP PBX to the call center. Built on top of Asterisk, Activa components enable successful call center implementations adding value in areas such as computer telephony, screenpop&click2dial, agent control, automatic dialing...

This is a maintenance release:

* NEW: multiple DN can be defined by expresions in DN configuration field.
See faq: How to configure multiple lines ?... read more

Posted by activatsp 2008-01-29

New release 1.4.3

This is a maintenance release:

FIX: added callerid overwrite on dial event to add asterisk 1.4 queue event compatibility.

FIX: changed state string type to int enum for better performance.

FIX: upercase to lowercase comparations

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, CAPI, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by activa 2007-12-28

New release 1.4.2

This is a maintenance release:
FIX: Using UerData could produce AV
FIX: Handler leak

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, CAPI, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by activa 2007-10-10

New release 1.4.1

That release fixed a bug in configurations with DN = prefix SIP/phone_number. That configuration weren't generating correct events in TSP level.

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, CAPI, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by qcondor 2007-05-15

Release 1.4 has an important bug fixed

Release 1.4 fixed an important bug of 1.3.
In addition, that release is compiled with Visual Studio 2005 and includes support for hold and unhold events.
See Readme for 1.4: and ActivaTSP FAQ:

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, CAPI, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by qcondor 2007-03-27

Activa 1.3 Release

Release 1.3 add support for predictive dialers activating the flag LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_PREDICTIVEDIAL on lineCallParams.
Predictive calls make an inverted originate creating firstly the outgoing channel and, if it's created successfully, the call is redirected to an extension or a queue.
In addition, this release has indications of call progress (busy numbers, wrong numbers, no answers) and has fixed some bugs about transfer calls and others.
See Readme for 1.3: and ActivaTSP FAQ: ... read more

Posted by qcondor 2007-03-12

Activa 1.2.2 Release

Activa 1.2.2 has fixed some bugs appeared on the lastest versions, has more scenes support (parked calls and two-step-transfer) and has some new features like one-step-transfer.
See Readme for 1.2.2: and ActivaTSP FAQ:

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by qcondor 2006-11-15

Activa 1.2.1 Release

Release 1.2.1 is a bug fix release over 1.2.

See Readme for 1.2.1: and ActivaTSP FAQ:

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it. ... read more

Posted by activa 2006-09-26

Activa 1.2 Release

Release 1.2 is a new release over previous 1.1 and adds some new features and bug fixing. See Readme for 1.2: and ActivaTSP FAQ:

We invite you to download the package and try it.

Please drop a message in the forums and tell us how it worked for you. We will be happy to hear from you what your configuration is like, if using SIP, IAX2, mISDN, ZAP or whatever, if using queues or if your MS Outlook or TAPI application is working well with open-source Activa. We are interested into knowing what different configurations have been tested, what is missing and if there is something to fix (sure there is). If you let us know we may try to fix it.... read more

Posted by activa 2006-09-15

Activa 1.1 Release

Release 1.1 is a new release over previous 1.0 and adds many new features and bug fixing. See Readme for 1.1 and ActivaTSP FAQ.

We invite you to download the package and try it. Please do not forget to tell us how it worked for you.

Posted by activa 2006-08-11

Activa update 1.0.1 released

Activa framework and Activa TSP 1.0.1 contain bug-fixes and some improvements over previous version.


New features:
- Doxygen documentation for Activa framework & TSP
- Implemented QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause. See doxygen documentation.
- Added QueueAdd, QueueRemove and QueuePause as LOGIN, LOGOUT, READY and NOTREADY features at TSP level. Using feature makecall codes.
- Refactoring: encapsulate more TSP functionality in asttapiclass class.
- Refactoring: adapt astprovider such as it provides services equivalent to AMI and fires asterisk-like events. So handling moved to upper astcstaprovider
- FIX: repair setup: register tsp and create start-menu-entries
- FIX: using MS dialer.exe: when closing app it warns that a call still exists. Debbugging shows that a line_drop fails because TapiCall has been already dropped. SOL: line_drop could return ok even if call is not there
- Removed callednumber filtering in originate. Now characters are allowed in called addresses: ie: "Benjamin" or 'abc5560'. tsp layer still removing 'T' or 'P' prefix in response to suggestion from B.Stocker in
- Now will better handle tcp disconnections: report to upper layer/application, clean-up provider and model, when onlinkdown close all csta&tsp callmaps and monitor
- Basic infrastructure to allow for multiple lines (registry-based). Connect once, on a one-stream-multiple-devices model.
- Implemented basic void setForward() and setFeature()
- FIX: if calling to a wrong number there is no call progress indication and line does not return to idle. ... read more

Posted by activa 2006-08-02

Activa 1.0 released

AstProvider framework and ActivaTSP 1.0
July, 2006
Activa package first release includes a basic framework that enables integration of Asterisk with your C++ applications.

The package also includes an Asterisk TSP we called Asterisk ActivaTSP. This TSP enables integration of TAPI third party applications and Asterisk. The TSP itself has been developed using the basic ASTProvider framework.

So for instance you could initiate outbound calls through Asterisk using your Microsoft Outlook and other applications. Call screen-popup is also supported.... read more

Posted by activa 2006-07-23