
AClean - A Cleaning Program for Windows / News: Recent posts

AClean v. 0.75a release

This is just a little release which includes the newest languages (English, German, Portuguese and French). So users do not need to download the language pack anymore.

Posted by Alexander Gleich 2006-05-19

New language package (10-06-2005)

Finally you can download an updated language.ini for AClean 0.75.
Just download the current language-pack file and extract it to your AClean directory.

New translations:
- Portuguese (thanks to R. Kenji)
- French 1 (thanks to E. Varley)
- French 2 (thanks to C. Buffenoir)

Send new translations to

Posted by Alexander Gleich 2005-10-06

AClean v. 0.75 released

We are proud to announce the release of AClean v. 0.75

New features:
- multilanguage support (currently english and german, more will follow soon)
- logging

Look at the changelog for more details.

Posted by Alexander Gleich 2003-05-02

Uploaded old file releases

I uploaded old file releases from v. 0.4b to 0.65 in german and v. 0.65 in english.

Posted by Alexander Gleich 2003-01-19

First GPL-release

Today I put AClean under the General Public License, the current version is 0.70.

Posted by Alexander Gleich 2002-10-17