Kevin Gorham - 2005-07-09

I'm new to sourceforge and don't know how things work around here but I made a minor but very helpful update to my version (2.6).  Information on the change is below.  For this project, what is the best way to go about making changes like this?  I'd imagine you don't want random people fiddling with the code--that changes have to go through some type of approval process.

- Kevin G.


    couldn't figure out why my completed tasks were getting reset to incomplete
    I create most of my tasks using the "add" button on the "show tasks" page.  The default recurrence for "quick add" tasks is "daily."  Daily tasks get reset to incomplete every day.
    Change control for "do_add_task_quick" so that "quick tasks" default to "open-ended" as they should (instead of "daily").  That is, a task that a user enters quickly is not likely to be a task the user has to do every day.

--------- changed index.php line: ~270
//made default quick task open-ended
        //add_task($task_name, '', null, 1, $login, 0, $category);
        add_task($task_name, '', null, 4, $login, 0, $category);