Scott Pitcher - 2012-03-28


If you have a problem with all information in the statistics window stuck on zero while encoding, make the following small change to AcidRip/ …..

Down on line 854 you will find the function encode …

sub encode {

… change the lines a little further down after the while (<MENCODER>) to read …

            while (<MENCODER>) {
    # Pos:3280.5s  82018f (71%) 41.87fps Trem:  12min 1436mb  A-V:0.067 [2500:114]
        if (/^Pos:\s*(\d+).\ds\s+(\d+)f\s+\(\s*(\d+)%\)\s+(\d+).(\d+)fps\s+Trem:\s+(\d+\w+)\s+(\d+mb).+\[([\d:]+)\]/) {
          if ( $1 ne $sec )  { $sec  = $1; $::widgets->{'menc_seconds'}->set_text( hhmmss($1) ) }
          if ( $4 ne $fps )  { $fps  = $4; $::widgets->{'menc_fps'}->set_text($4) }
          if ( $6 ne $size ) { $size = $7; $::widgets->{'menc_filesize'}->set_text($7) }
          if ( $5 ne $time ) { $time = $6; $::widgets->{'menc_time'}->set_text($6) }
          if ( $7 ne $rate ) { $rate = $8; $::widgets->{'menc_bitrate'}->set_text($8) }
          if ( $3 ne $prog ) {

Later versions of mplayer/mencoder have small differences in the status output. Note my fix is actually poor, we really should be either checking our version of mplayer or else coding a regexp pattern which will match any output from mencoder (the best option), but I haven't done this yet - I just wanted to get it working.

Feel free to mail me if you need help.
